Who’s goin on a trip in their favorite rocket ship, zoomin throoougggghhh the sky….?
Little Einsteins!
What video game do you build with different blocks in either creative or survival mode?
What hero is considered the first avenger?
Captain America
Where does Henry Hart live?
What is Robbie’s puppet’s name? Double points for his FULL REAL NAME
Rex- Christopher Cane
There’s a dinosaur names Reptar and a family with the last name Pickles in WHAT cartoon?
What video game features emotes such as “take the L”, “the floss”, and “the dab”?
What is Black Widow’s real name?
Natashia Rominoff
What are Captain Man’s grenades called?
Man Grenades
What kind of fish does Trina buy to make her feet smooth?
Pooka fish
Young girl travels the world with her unusual family. Her parents make wildlife films, and she can communicate with animals! What show is it? Bonus: what is the main character’s name?
The Wild Thornberries - Eliza Thornberry
In what super mario game does Mario meet Rosalina?
Super Mario Galaxy
Where is Thor from?
Why do Kid Danger and Captian Man sneak into a birthday party dressed as clowns?
To save the party guests from a pinata full of killer bees.
Where is Beck from?
What cartoon’s main character was a blonde kid with a football shaped head who liged with his grandparents? Double points if you name his two best friends!
Hey Arnold! Phil and Gertrude
In what game do you move in to a town full of animals and work to build and decorate you house, and the rest of the town?
Animal Crossing
What is the name of Iron Man’s personal assistant software? Triple points for what it standa for.
J. A. R. V. I. S. Just A Really Very Intelligent System
What is the name of Henry’s favorite band?
The Hallkins
How was the karaoke competition fixed (the winners cheated)? Double points for the reigning champions’ names.
Six brave fourth-graders make it their mission to protect the other kids on the playground. What 1990’s cartoon is it?
What game do you gather 8 triforce pieces, defeat Ganon, and save a princess while travelling through labrynths and dungeons?
Legend of Zelda
How did Tom Holland discover he was chosen as the next Spiderman?
An instagram post
What does Heather Bogart do for a living?
International jewel thief
In the Breakfast Brunch episode all the friends get detention because one of them was late for class. Who was it that was late? Double points for WHY they were late.
Robbie was choking on a pretzel