I got with this girl on the tennis court where she won her first tournament
Olivia Rodrigo’s “Deja Vu” was my second most listened to song last year
Anvith Maddipoti
I am allergic to milk but I eat ice cream anyways
Dominic Schwarzenbach
I’ve spent two weeks in an elephant sanctuary
Karthik Pelleti
When I was 18 I made out with a 24 year old at a koe wetzel concert. He told me he was in a band… don’t think it turned out to be true
The last girl I was talking to was talking to at least 10 different guys
Dominic Schwarzenbach
I like to eat whole lemons as a snack
Alexander Mushinski
i got head at a family and friends fourth of july party and i didnt walk far enough down the beach and my family found out
Jack Golton
I met India’s ambassador for Egypt
Mohini Bhave
Freshmen year I smoked a cigarette with a guys mom at a frat parents weekend (I had been on a date with said guy and we were no longer talking at the time)
Sidney Tillotson
Took my friends ex to prom
Anvith Maddipoti
Last summer I blinded myself for a day with UV lights while trying to make polymers
Me and a dozen of my buddies had to get pulled off a chartered cruise because everyone blacked out.
Alexander Mushinski
I love deli cow tongue
Leni Brooks
One time I got a stick and poke and my parents had it cut out.
Emilia Kniestedt
I chugged a bottle of everclear like deadass 10 seconds and disappeared for 2 hours after my formal last spring and caused a campus wide search, but then randomly reappeared at my apartment fully normal
I got lost in an Academy when I was little
Mehran Sarker
Someone once wrote me a 20 page confession/love letter
Mohini Bhave
I once was in another country and met this girl who was a commander of a navy unit in this country and she didn’t speak English and she gave me head in this club (x2) in the city and we spoke through google translate then we ran into each other in rhe desert the next day (with no wifi) and she gave me head in the sand
Senior year of HS I blacked out at a party and my dad had to come pick me up and I projectile vomited all over his Tesla
Leni Brooks
One time I woke up naked in a field in Argentina with no recollection of how I got there
Nate Kaplan
I changed my Middle school classes to get the same classes as the girl I liked
Venkat Sundaram
I have an implant in my private region
Mehran Sarker
I can do a handstand push up
Emilia Kniestedt
Once interviewed a drunk teacher who was on weed who came in front of the administration building with a speaker and started protesting since he got kicked out for throwing a chair at a student. Got disciplinary action for it.
Karthik Pelleti