Who is V-Day named after?
St. Valentine.
The most popular V-Day Candy?
Conversation hearts
Most popular V-Day gift
What is candy?
What do X and O mean?
What are kisses and hugs?
Why is V-Day celevrated in 2/14?
The anniversary of St. Valenhtines execution.
Which American state makes the mos chocolate for V-Day?
What yellow roses symbolize
What is friendship?
How many marriage proposlas are there on V-Day on average?
Why was St. Valentine associated with love?
He preformed marriages when it waqs illegal in Ancient Rome.
Is V-Day the first of second busiest day for restuarants in America?
Second; the first is Mother's Day
How many roses are sent for valentines each year
50 million
What is the symbol of V-Day?
What is the heart?
The first poet to write about Valentines?
Who is Chaucer?
What year were candy hearts not avaliable to buy?
How many V-Day cards are exchanged this year
1 billion
The mythology Cupid is based on.
What is Greek mythology?
When V-Day first occured.
What is 496 AD?
Who invented the Valentines Candy Box?
Richard Cadbury
How much do Americans spend on V-Day on gifts?
24 billion dollars.
How many cards are gifted on Valentines?
What is 145 million cards?