Twelfth Night- Characters
Twelfth Night Plot

What occurred at the beginning of the play resulting in Viola and Sebastian's separation? 

What is a Shipwreck.


What are two examples of dramatic irony in Twelfth Night?

Two examples of dramatic irony in "Twelfth Night" are Viola's disguise as Cesario, which leads to a love triangle involving Duke Orsino and Olivia, and the trick played on Malvolio, where he believes Olivia loves him. The audience is aware of Viola's true identity and the deceit against Malvolio, while the characters are not, creating humor and tension.

The Duke of Illyria.
Who is Orsino?
Viola's disguise.
She dresses like a man.

In ACT 1 the word "ducat" is used, what is the definition?


 formerly a gold coin of various European countries


What does the ring signify to Cesario? What complications will this add to the plot?

After Olivia first meets Cesario, she sends Malvolio after him to deliver a ring Cesario supposedly left behind. Viola knows the ring represents Olivia's love for Cesario.


How does Olivia's brother die in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night?

Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" does not disclose the cause of Olivia's brother's death. The play instead emphasizes Olivia's excessive and irrational mourning. She vows to grieve for seven years, veiling herself and weeping daily, a behavior deemed foolish, especially by the character Feste. The cause of her brother's death is less significant than the commentary on Olivia's extreme grief.

The steward in charge of Olivia's household (also in love with her)
Who is Malvolio?
Name of the person Olivia falls in love with.
Who is Cesario (Viola in disguise)?


In ACT 2 the word "niggardly" is used, what is the definition?


 petty or reluctant in giving or spending


How does Toby persuade each of them to fight the other? How does the duel end?

He will tell each that the other is fearsome and out for the other's blood.

Sebastian, trained in combat, wins the fight. But Olivia intervenes and invites Sebastian into the house, also thinking him to be Cesario. Olivia and Sebastian are married that night.


Who said it?

"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.



this person is staying with his friend Sir Toby and hopes to marry Olivia. He has a lot of money.

Sir Andrew

Person that forges the letter that Malvolio thinks is from Olivia.
Who is Maria?

In ACT 3 the word "impetuous" is used, what is the definition?

  1. adjective

     characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation

    “an impetuous display of spending and gambling”

  2. adjective

     marked by violent force

    “impetuous heaving waves”


How does Feste try to convince Malvolio that Malvolio is mad? What request does Malvolio make?

Feste uses tactics of confusion on poor Malvolio, telling him outright lies to make him think his senses deceive him and, thus, trying to make Malvolio himself believe that he is insane.

Malvolio begs Feste to bring him a candle, pen, ink, and paper, so that he can write a letter asking Olivia for help.Malvolio begs Feste to bring him a candle, pen, ink, and paper, so that he can write a letter asking Olivia for help.


How does Maria's use of "M.O.A.I." to trick Malvolio in Twelfth Night?

Maria uses the acronym "M.O.A.I." to trick Malvolio in Twelfth Night by writing a fake letter that Malvolio believes is from Olivia. She manipulates him into thinking that "M.O.A.I." represents his name, leading him to follow absurd instructions and make a fool of himself, ultimately showcasing his vanity and gullibility.

Who says it: "Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit."
Who is Feste?
Malvolio wears ________ in the hope of pleasing Olivia.
What are yellow stockings and cross garters?

In ACT 4 the word "dissemble" is used, what is the definition?

  1. verb 

     behave unnaturally or affectedly.                        
  2. verb

     make believe with the intent to deceive
  3. verb

     hide under a false appearance

What does Cesario reveal to Sebastian?

What are the Duke and Viola going to do?

 How does Olivia react to Malvolio's letter?

Cesario admits to being Sebastian's sister Viola, Orsino asks Viola to become his wife.

 On the day that Sebastian marries Olivia, Viola will marry Orsino.

Olivia, recognizing Maria's handwriting, denies having written it but understands what must have happened.


What does Viola imply when she says, "My father had a daughter who loved a man" in Twelfth Night?

When Viola says "My father had a daughter loved a man" in Twelfth Night, she's getting as close as she can to expressing her love for Duke Orsino without giving away her true identity. Although she's disguised as a man, her words are those of a woman—a woman in love.

Who says it: "In nature there's no blemish but the mind. None can be called deformed but the unkind"
Who is Antonio?
Feste disguises himself as ________ when he goes to speak with Malvolio.
Who is Sir Topas?

In ACT 5 the word "consecrated" is used, what is the definition?

  1. adjective

     made, declared, or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use

  2. adjective

     solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose

    “a life consecrated to science”

    “the consecrated chapel”
