How old was Bella
17-18 years old
How old was Edward
104 or 17 years old
How old was jacob
15-16 years old
How old was Alice
104 or 19 years old
How many twilight movies are there
5 movies
What is Bella's last name
Swan or cullen
What is edward's last name
What is Jacob's last name
What is Alice's last name
Where was Twilight based and were was it filmed
Based in Forks,Washington and filmed in Portland, Oregon
Where did Bella used to live
Phoenix, Arizona
Who did Edward fall in love with
Bella Swan
Who did Jacob fall in love with
Bella swan
Who was Alice love
Jasper Hale
What years was Twilight filmed
Who are Bella's parents
Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer
Who are edwards parents
Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen
Who are jacob's parents
Billy Black and Sarah Black
Who are Alice's parents
Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen
What year was Twilight based in
What is Bella's Back story
Bella ues to live with her mom but she moved in with her dad and at school she mate Edward and fell in love eventually meet his family and jacouves dad as friends with her dad
What is Edwards Back story
Carlisle Cullen, transformed Ewared into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying in the Spanish influenza epidemic in Chicago
What is jacoubs Back story
Jacobs family is a family of wolfies and in the move he turns in to a wolf
What is Alice's Backstory
Alice was transformed by an old vampire who worked at the asylum to protect her from James, a tracker vampire who was hunting her.
What is Twilight about
Twilight is about when a vampire and a wolf fell in love with a human