Which is our closest star?
The Sun
True or false: the hotter a star is, the bluer it appears.
What is a supernova?
A death explosion of a star
Who invented the first telescope?
The smallest star group is called a __________.
Binary system
How do the sun and the other stars produce their own light?
Nuclear Fusion
Small or medium stars are called what?
Dwarf stars
Groups of stars in a pattern are called what?
Refracting telescopes do what to the light to make objects seem larger?
A large group of stars close enough to be held together by gravity is called a ___________.
Star cluster
The brightness of a star is called it's what?
Stars that regularly or repeatedly change in magnitude are called what?
Variable stars
Little Dipper
Sir Isaac Newton invented what kind of telescope?
A group of several thousand to a million stars is called what?
A Globular cluster
Magnitude is determined by what three things?
Size, temperature, and distance from the Earth.
Stars that do not change their absolute magnitude but do change their apparent magnitude are called what?
Eclipsing variable stars.
Constellations that seem to revolve around the North Star are called what?
Circumpolar constellations
What kind of telescope collect radio waves from space that do not give off enough light to be detected by other telescopes?
Radio telescopes
More than thirty galaxies, including the Milky Way, form a cluster called what?
Local group
True brightness of a star is called absolute magnitude or apparent magnitude?
Absolute magnitude
When an existing star flares up and becomes hundreds or thousands of times brighter, it is called a what?
The practice where people believe that the stars influence the lives of people and determine their destiny is called what?
What is a spectroscope?
Breaks down light given off by a star into all of its colors.
Meteors that hit the Earth's surface are called what?