Twins that come from two separate eggs and sperm
What is Dizygotic (fraternal) twins
What maternal age group has the highest chance of twins?
What is ages 35-40
What delivery method is required for Mo-Mo twins?
What is C-section
What vitamin prevents neural tube defects?
What is folic acid
What is the safest type of twin pregnancy in terms of placental sharing?
What is Di-Di twins
What fertility treatment increases twin pregnancies?
What position must Twin A be in for a vaginal delivery?
What is vertex
What nutrient prevents anemia in pregnancy?
What is iron
What type of twin pregnancy carries the highest risk?
What is Mo-Mo twins
What ethnic group has the lowest rate of fraternal twins?
What is Asian
What condition caused by an overdistended uterus, increases the risk of excessive postpartum bleeding
What is uterine atony
What test measures fetal heart rate response to movement?
What is NST
What is the main risk associated with Mo-Di twins?
What is Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
What genetic factor influences the likelihood of fraternal twins?
What is hyperovulation
What is the biggest risk associated with cord prolapse during twin delivery?
What is fetal distress
What type of ultrasound measures blood flow?
What is a doppler
What rare condition occurs when identical twins remain physically connected?
What is conjoined twins
What hormone increases with age and leads to a higher chance of releasing multiple eggs
What is FSH
What postpartum condition is 43% more likely in twin mothers?
What is postpartum depression
What is the minimum daily fluid intake for twin pregnancies? (in liters)
What is 3L