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This battle was preceded by the Battle of the Borgne (BORN), which pitted Thomas Catesby Jones against Alexander Cochrane. John Lambert took command of the losing side of this battle after the death of General Edward Pakenham. Pirates led by Jean Lafitte (luh-FEET) aided this battle's winners. Andrew Jackson rose to prominence after this battle, which occurred after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. For 10 points, name this War of 1812 battle fought near a Louisiana port city on the Mississippi.
What is Battle of New Orleans
In this novel, a hermit who thinks he is an archangel ties up and threatens to murder the first title character, who is rescued by his new companion, the disinherited noble Miles Hendon. The second title character reveals the location of the Great Seal, which he had been using as a nutcracker. In this novel, Edward must escape from the wicked John Canty to take his place on the throne after the death of Henry VIII. For 10 points, name this Mark Twain novel about a poor boy and a future king who temporarily trade places.
What is The Prince and the Pauper
This organ contains a mass of capillaries called the glomerulus (glah-meh-ROO-luhs) that is surrounded by Bowman’s capsule. It regulates blood pressure by releasing renin into the bloodstream, and it releases waste like ammonium into urine via the ureter. Painful buildups of calcium and uric acid can deposit in this organ, forming its namesake “stones”. It is composed of around one million nephrons. For 10 points, name this organ whose function is simulated by dialysis, which is responsible for filtering the blood.
What is kidney
In Hinduism, moksha (MOKE-shuh) is liberation from the cycle of what concept, in which the soul enters a new body after death?
What is reincarnation
Who painted a man with a green apple hovering in front of his face in The Son of Man and a pipe above the phrase "ceci n'est pas une pipe" (seh-see nay PAH oon PEEP) in The Treachery of Images?
What is Rene François Ghislain Magritte
One member of this family goes into hiding after killing a man at the Hooper Ranch. Another member of this family is abandoned by her teenage husband Connie Rivers, and breastfeeds a starving man at the end of the novel they appear in. Its members include the teenager Al, the children Ruthie and Winfield, and Rose of Sharon. After another member of this family, Tom, returns from jail, they travel with Jim Casy to California. For 10 points, name this Oklahoma family from John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath.
What is Joad family
In a plant cell, this quantity is referred to as turgidity. The Morse equation is used to calculate a form of this quantity equal to the van’t Hoff factor times molarity times R times temperature. Dalton’s law describes how one can sum up individual terms for this quantity. In thermodynamics (thur-moe-die-NAM-iks), work equals this quantity times the change in volume. According to Boyle’s law, this quantity is inversely proportional to volume. For 10 points, name this quantity often measured in Pascals.
What is pressure
This author's The Filocolo (fee-LO-coh-lo) inspired a story by Chaucer. Biographies of Eve and Cleopatra are amongst the one hundred six accounts presented in his On Famous Women. This writer laid the foundation for the Troilus and Cressida story in Il Filostrato. In his most famous work, Dioneo (dye-oh-NAY-oh) is given special privileges due to his wit. In that work, seven women and three men flee from the Black Death in Florence and tell one hundred stories. For 10 points, name this Italian author of the Decameron.
What is Giovanni Boccaccio
This is a 10-second calculation question. What is the maximum of a set that has mean 8, median 7, minimum 3, and range 11?
What is 14
Name the American politician who twice lost the presidential race to Eisenhower and who dramatically showed photographs proving the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba at the U.N. Security Council in 1962.
What is Adlai Ewing Stevenson II
In 1961, this city was where Kennedy assistant John Seigenthaler (SEE-gen-thall-er) was hit with a pipe at a Greyhound bus station. A movement in this city started by E.D. Nixon sought someone "above reproach" to test city ordinances. Besides being the site of an attack on "Freedom Riders," this city was home to the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, from which Martin Luther King organized a 1955 boycott. For 10 points, name this Alabama city in which Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat to a white person.
What is Montgomery
A group called CODOFIL is dedicated to preserving this language in the United States. Madawaska (mah-duh-WAS-kuh) and Van Buren are U.S. cities where over seventy percent of the population speaks this language. Both of those communities are in Maine. It is predominantly spoken in one country's "Walloon Region" and is found in the U.S. in such dialects as "Acadian" and "Cajun." For 10 points, name this official language of Gabon, Cote d'Ivoire (COT div-WAR), and the Canadian province of Quebec.
What is French
Climbing fibers send information to Purkinje (purr-KIN-jay) cells in this region. Due to this region’s supervisory rather than initiating role, damage to it tends to not cause paralysis. Unlike the larger structure it resembles, its folds are symmetrical. Located behind the pons of the brainstem and located beneath the cerebral cortex, this structure is evolutionarily older than the cortex. For 10 points, name the structure that regulates and coordinates posture, balance and movement, known as the “little brain.”
What is cerebellum
What rocky bodies are smaller than planets and orbit the Sun in a belt between Mars and Jupiter?
What is asteroids
What name is given to the art movement that uses images or objects from mass culture, such as Roy Lichtenstein's comic book paintings or Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup can?
What is Pop art
In a story by this author, Mama gives her daughter Maggie the hand-stitched quilts demanded by her other daughter, the arrogant and educated Dee. This author of "Everyday Use" wrote a novel about an abused wife who enters into a sexual relationship with her female companion Shug Avery. That novel consists of letters to God from a girl raped and impregnated by her father Alphonso. For 10 points, name this African-American author who created Celie in The Color Purple.
What is Alice [Malsenior] Walker
The enzyme gyrase (JY-rase) is used to relieve strain in the beginning of this process. In the cell cycle, this process occurs in the S phase between the two G phases. Nitrogen-15 was used in the Meselson-Stahl experiment, which showed that this process was semi-conservative. Okazaki (oh-kah-ZAKH-kee) fragments, which are connected by ligase (LIE-gase), are formed on the lagging strand during this. Helicase (HEE-lih-case) unwinds a certain structure at the beginning of this process. For 10 points, name this process in which a certain double stranded structure is duplicated.
What is DNA replication
After crying at the singing of Demodocus, this character tells of a man whose blood was drunk by Antiphates (ann-TIFF-uh-teez). During that tale at the court of Alcinous (al-kin-OH-us), he also recounts how his men disobeyed him by opening a bag of winds belonging to Aeolus (ay-UHL-us). This man, who was tied to the mast in order to listen to the Sirens, also sailed between Scylla and Charybdis (kuh-RIB-diss) before returning to Ithaca (ITH-uh-kuh). For 10 points, name this husband of Penelope, the title character of the Homeric epic following the Iliad.
What is Odysseus
Name the Neil Diamond song which contains the lyric "Good times never seemed so good."
What is "Sweet Caroline"
Alfred Wegener described what motion of large landmasses that is built on by the theory of plate tectonics?
What is continental drift
This man served as the first U.S. civilian governor of the Philippines. With his Secretary of State Philander Knox, this President implemented Dollar Diplomacy. This man's presidency saw the Ballinger-Pinchot (pin-CHO) affair and the introduction of the income tax. His re-election bid coincided with Theodore Roosevelt's run with the Bull Moose Party in 1912. For 10 points, name this President who served as a Supreme Court Justice and lost an election to Woodrow Wilson.
What is William Howard Taft
This lake contains two state parks, with one located on its largest island, Antelope Island. A railroad that cuts this lake in half from east to west is called the Lucin (loose-in) Cutoff. This lake receives its water from the Jordan, Bear, and Weber (WEE-bur) Rivers. This lake is the largest remnant of the prehistoric Lake Bonneville. A nearby capital city was named for this lake when that city was created in 1847 by Brigham Young. For 10 points, name this saline lake that is located in northern Utah.
What is Great Salt Lake
In 2011, a woman known as Gulnaz attracted attention for being arrested after she was raped in what country, whose politics are largely controlled by the Pashtun ethnic group?
What is Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
This is a 20-second calculation question. Find the point of intersection of the lines given by the equations 2x + 5y = 20 and 6x - 7y = 16.
What is (5,2) [or x=5, y=2]
What physicist is the namesake of a principle that no two fermions can have identical quantum states at the same time?
What is Wolfgang Ernst Pauli