The Tests
June's Other Side
Piano Lessons
The Big Show
June's Reflection
What was Suyuan testing June for?
Prodigy-like qualities
When did June start believing in the prodigy in her?
When she got her haircut and looked in the mirror once the tests started
What did June nickname her piano teacher?
Old Chong
Where was the talent show held?
The church hall
What did Suyuan offer June for her 30th birthday?
Their old piano
What was the last thing Suyuan had June try?
Playing the piano
What did June refuse to change when she found her "prodigy side" in the mirror?
Herself (she wouldn't be what she is not)
What does Mr. Chong say about being deaf?
He is like Beethoven, "we both listening only in our head."
How was June feeling as she was getting on stage to perform?
Confident and had no fear or nervousness
What did June realize after she played both "Pleading Child" and "Perfectly Contented" a few times?
They were two halves of the same song
What led Suyuan to push June to be a prodigy?
Waverly's Chess accomplishments
What was the major thing that pushed June to believe in the prodigy in herself?
How disappointed her mother was when she kept failing the intelligence tests
Describe Mr. Chong
"He looked ancient in my eyes. He had lost most of the hair on top of his head and he wore thick glasses and had eyes that always looked tired and sleepy."
What caused June to do so poorly at the talent show?
She would always cheat and not put full effort into her practices
How long ago had her mother died when she wrote this?
A few months before
How did June get her mother to give up on testing her?
She stopped trying, appeared bored, and didn't pay attention
What did June's prodigy side threaten to do if she didn't "let it out"?
"If you don't hurry up and get me out of here, I'm disappearing for good," it warned. "And then you'll always be nothing."
What was the show that pushed June's mother to sign her up for piano lessons?
The Ed Sullivan Show
What did Waverly say to June after her talent show that made her upset?
"You aren't a genius like me."
How did June feel when the piano was offered to her and she would see it in her parents' living room?
Proud, as if it were a shiny trophy she had won back
What did June count when trying to see how long it would take to get her mother to give up?
The foghorns out at bay
How does June describe her prodigy side?
"The girl staring back at me was angry, powerful. This girl and I were the same. I had new thoughts, willful thoughts, or rather thoughts filled with lots of won'ts. I won't let her change me, I promised myself. I won't be what I'm not."
What would Mr. Chong do to keep June's hands still while she played?
Stack pennies on her wrists
Why was June disappointed when she arrived home from the talent how and her mother walked into the bedroom?
She expected her mother to yell at her so she could yell back and blame her for all of her misery
Give two examples of how June fell short of Suyuan's expectations (not including the piano incident).
Didn't get straight A's, didn't become class president, didn't get into Stanford, dropped out of college