What is the title of the book?
Two Wolves
What is Ben's sister's name?
Who is the Silver's dog?
Golden, the tripod dog.
What does Ben's hair look like?
Short and spiky, like a toilet brush.
Where did Ben sit in a police car?
The Royal Easter Show
Who wrote Two Wolves?
Tristan Bancks
Who knocks on Ben's door?
What type of car does Ben's father have?
The Green Machine, 1967 Valiant 770.
Who is Ben's Nan?
A rake-thin, tough old bird.
What does Olive want to be when she grows up?
A robber and a judge.
What is fed to the bad wolf?
Pride, envy, jealousy, greed, guilt and self-pity.
What is Ben's dream career?
Becoming a detective.
What is Ben's nickname from his Dad?
Cop, someone who asks a lot of questions.
When did Ben's Pop die?
An event that happened when Ben was two.
Who is Dan Toohey?
The police officer with the tattooed arm.
What is fed to the good wolf?
Kindness, hope, love, service, truth and humility.
What business does Ben's family own?
Ray Silver Motor Wreckers
What is the surprise Ben's parents have for the family?
An impromptu holiday.
What is Olive's hair?
Too beautiful to cut.
What do police cars have?
A lot of antennas.
Which wolf will win?
The wolf you feed.
What is the name of Ben's movie?
Within the Woods
Who is April Silver?
People said she could have been a model, she is ten years younger than Ben's Dad.
What do Mum's fingernails look like?
They are bitten back to the nail bed, red and sore.
What does 'Culpam Poena Premit Comes' mean?
Punishment swiftly follows crime.