What is Aunt Bernie's Birth year
In spite of the name, this Twomey graduated from Texas Women's University.
Who is Mike?
This street is no longer known by the same name when Twomeys resided at this location.
What is Ravena Terrace?
The Twomey family has requested that this town, connected to Lynn via a causeway, be renamed "My Aunt".
What is a "Nahant"?
He said "This is the best day of my life"
Who is Uncle Jim?
Charlottesville VA
What is the birthplace of Steve Twomey?
This Twomey did not attend St. Joseph's Elementary school.
Who is Mary?
The Twomey's moved to Grove Street in this year.
What is 1969?
A "Fluffernutter" combines these two key Ingredients.
What are "Marshmallow Fluff" and Peanut Butter"
She said "We will see..."
Who is Phyllis Twomey?
This aunt and niece combination share a birthday
Who are A.S and Rosemary?
This High School is recognized for graduating the most Twomey's.
What is Lynn Classical?
There was no "Ozzy" in this family, but there were Sean, Artie, and Jimmy.
Who are the Osbournes?
Paradoxically, if you travel away from the Atlantic Ocean on Eastern Ave it will end at this Avenue.
What is Western Avenue?
What neighbor coined the phrase "Science over Agriculture"?
Charlie Sanphy
Last family member to be born outside of a hospital
Who is Kelly?
Although two Twomeys attended this college, neither one received an undergraduate degree.
What is Boston College?
The Twomey lived on Essex and Timson. They did not live on THIS parallel street in-between.
What is Williams Ave.?
In 1841, this abolitionist/former slave/author moved to Lynn
Who is Frederick Douglas?
This relative was born as the Mayflower landed in Plymouth. Hint: His name is not "Jay" or "Robin".
Who is Peregrine White?
These two "Younger Generation" relatives attended "U of M"'s. Name them and their schools.
Who are Samantha (U-Maine) & Jimmy (U-Md)?
Who is credited with founding Lynn in 1629? An elementary school is named after him.
Who is (Edmund) Ingalls?
From two rooms away..."You are full of Sh&*% John and you know it!"
Who is Auntie Rita?