a dry, mocking humor
Where did Bryan get a job?
grocery store
What was Mark on probation for?
stealing cars
Who wore a peace necklace?
What is the Ribbon ?
2 mile stretch with drive in restaurants and stores
one and only, single
Who did he date?
Angela in the past
What did Mark do to Angela?
Cut off all of her long hair
Who is Mike Chambers?
boy in the hospital for giving Connie a ride home
Who is the author?
SE Hinton
not caring one way or another
Describe his physical appearance
dark hair and eyes
looks like a St. Bernard puppy
Describe Mark's appearance
looks like a lion
golden hair and eyes
What does Charlie own? Where does he work?
He owns a bar
What was M&M hallucinating about?
to move in an exaggerated, impatient way
Why did Bryan get beat up and end up at the hospital?
He was beat up by Angela's brothers for cutting Angela's hair - Mark actually cut her hair
What was Mark's gift?
ability to get away with things
Who saves Bryan and Mark from the Texans?
What time period/decade did the story take place in?
60's - 70's
to use a process of reasoning, rational thinking
Who did he borrow a car from to take Cathy to the dance?
How was Mark making money at the end of the book?
He was selling drugs
Where did Cathy work?
At the snack bar at the hospital
A theme of the book could be -
doing the right thing and coming of age
true love
doing the right thing and coming of age