What is the minimum GPA you must maintain to remain in the Honors Scholar Program?
3.3 or higher
What is the name of the website where students can see upcoming events and activities on campus?
Pioneer Engage
What is one way to reduce stress during the semester?
Open-ended; Exercise classes at the Fit and Rec, not procrastinating, make friends and go to events
What are TWU's official colors?
Maroon and white
Where is the Honors office located?
Stoddard Hall
Where can students view their meal plan balance and remaining meals?
GET Mobile app
Name one thing you can do to stay organized during the semester.
Open-ended; using a planner, google calendar, or setting reminders for yourself
What is the name of the official TWU Mascot?
Oakley the Owl
What grade must you earn in your honors courses to receive credit?
A or B
Where can you print documents on campus for free?
Parliament Village computer lab, Multipurpose Classroom Laboratory (MCL), Library, Student Union first floor, Guinn Commons - tinyurl.com/twuprint
What is a strategy you use to stay focused during long study sessions?
Open-ended; Set incentives, remove phone and any other distractions
How many campuses does TWU have in Texas?
Three (Denton, Dallas, and Houston)
How many service hours are required to graduate as an Honors Scholar?
80 hours (70 service + 10 fundraising)
Where can students go if they need health services or counseling on campus?
Student Health Services or Counseling and Psychological Services - Both located in Jones Hall
What is one campus resource that can help you succeed academically?
Open-ended; Science Learning Resource Center (SLRC), WriteSite, Math and Tech Success Center
What is the name of the TWU school newspaper?
The Lasso