Influential Impressionalist whose most famous subjects were ballet dancers and the horse races. His works include "Dancer Lacing her Shoe", "Jockeys in the Rain", "The Rehearsal", and "Glass of Absinthe."
Who is (Edgar) Degas?
A bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin, of which there are about 28 castings displayed worldwide. The sculpture is meant to symbolize the study of philosophy.
The Thinker
an American school of the 1950s that imitated the techniques of commercial art (as the soup cans of Andy Warhol) and the styles of popular culture and the mass media
What is Pop Art?
What is Cabo-44 Scandal?
Where is the Louvre?
Where is Paris,France?
(1853-1890) Dutch postimpressionist painter noted for his use of color and odd swirly brushstrokes. Painted Starry Night.
Who is (Vincent) Van Gogh?
By Gustav Klimt is an example of Symbolism art. Klimt used oil paints lined by layers of gold leaf to achieve the modern appearance. The painting is now at the Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere museum in Vienna.
What is The Kiss?
A school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light.
What is Impressionism?
What is the Red River 2020 game?
This musical power couple filmed a music video for their song Apesh*t in the Louvre in 2018.
Who is did Beyonće and Jay-Z?
One of the greatest artists of the 20th century, he explored Impressionism and was a leader of Fauvism. His works include "The Green Stripe" and "Blue Nude."
Who is (Henri)Matisse?
By Sandro Botticelli. A painting that represents both divine love and romantic love between humans. It's on display at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy
What is the Birth of Venus?
Popular style through Europe in the eighteenth century, known for its soft pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental portraits, and starry-eyed lovers protected by hovering cupids
What is Rococo?
Who is Loompa?
What is someone's fish?
Francis I ordered the demolishment of the original structure in favor of a lavish new Renaissance-style compound. Indeed, Francis was an enlightened Renaissance ruler, a noted patron of the arts he cultivated a close relationship with this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?
A Spanish surrealist artist and one of the most important painters of the 20th century. He was a skilled draftsman, best known for the striking, bizarre, and beautiful images in his surrealist work. His painterly skills are often attributed to the influence of Renaissance masters.
Who is Salvador Dalí?
This is Pablo Picasso most famous painting. He painted it as an anti-war message after (this city in) Spain was bombed during the Spanish Civil War.
What is Guernica?
An artistic movement that displayed vivid dream worlds and fantastic unreal images.A cultural movement which developed in Europe in the aftermath of World War I and was largely influenced by Dada.
What is Surrealism?
Why is this associated with UT, according to Kaitlin?
What is the Texas Cowboy Scandal?
What decade was the Mona Lisa stolen and returned to the Louvre?
When was 1910's?
Originally allied with the impressionalists, he moved to Tahiti in 1891, where he painted some of his best works. While in Tahiti he also wrote the autobiographical novel "Noa Noa." His works include "The Yellow Christ", "The Day of the God", and "La Orana Maria."
Who is (Paul) Gauguin?
By: Rene Magritte
La Trahison des Images, or ______ _______ ______ _______, was painted by Magritte in 1928-1929. Below is written: Ceci N'est pas une Pipe, meaning "this is not a pipe" in French. Magritte was trying to make the point that the painting was not an actual pipe, only a representation of one.
What is The Treachery of Images?
An artistic movement that focused on expressing emotion and feelings through abstract images and colors, lines and shapes.Popular in the United States during the 1950's-60's.
What is Abstract Expressionism?
Why did Tom Herman, ex-UT football coach, text this?
Who is Ohio State assistant football coach accused him of cheating on his wife, while Tom Herman and his wife were help his wife escape domestic abuse?
How many visitors did the Louvre have in 2019?
What is 9.6 million visitors?