The Plot Thickens
Around the World
Random Roulette

Who founded the Progressive Party, also known as the Bull Moose Party, after he lost the Republican nomination for president to William H Taft in 1912?

Teddy Roosevelt 


This earthquake-prone city is the alleged birthplace of the Chinese fortune cookie and features a famous gilded bridge.  

San Francisco, USA


A farm boy goes on a road trip to rescue a princess, all while battling Nazis and trying to fix his family’s daddy issues.

Star Wars: A New Hope


This phrase has its origins in military history. It is said that the length of a machine gun’s ammunition belt was this measure of length, and using it all up meant expending all the ammo. It is used to mean putting in a full effort. 

(Going) the whole nine yards 


Name the most northern capital city in the world.

Reykjavík, Iceland


According to Cunningham's Law of Bright Things in the Sky, what is the 3rd brightest thing in the sky?

The International Space Station


The flag of the state of Maine features a moose resting at the base of what kind of tree?



A major cultural capital of the formed Soviet Union, this city houses the world's deepest metro (tunnels at over 70m below ground) and shares its name with a city in Florida, USA. However, this is the city's third name since 1900. 

St. Petersburg (formerly Petrograd, then Leningrad), Russia


A girl gets dressed up by rodents and breaks curfew, then this guy who might have a foot fetish spends days trying to track her down.



This phrase has its origins in boxing, when a trainer might do this to signal their fighter's surrender. It became an idiom meaning to give up.

Throw in the towel 


What is the maximum number of calendar days that can be occurring simultaneously at different points on earth

3 (Because the earth has UTC+14, the earth experiences three different calendar days for 2 hours each day) 


In some baked goods recipes, what bodily liquid can be used as a substitute for eggs due to their similar protein structure?

Blood...65 grams per one medium egg


Moose Jaw is the fourth largest city in which Canadian province?



The home of an iconic opera house, this city was given the nickname Sin City in the 1900s due to rampant crime and corruption. The city is also the birthplace of the Granny Smith apple, now one of the fruit's most recognizable mutations. According to the tale, an orchardist in the city tossed French crab apple seeds into the famously fertile soil, and the Granny Smith was born. The city hosts a yearly festival in it's honor.

Sydney, Australia


Two people fall in love on a really fancy boat, then it sinks and they argue over a piece of wood.

The Titanic


This phrase likely referred to being below deck and away from the sun or fresh air while at sea, which was thought to help alleviate seasickness. Today, you might describe someone as this if they're ill.

Under the weather 


Name one of the two national flags that do not feature red, white, or blue.

Jamaica and Mauritania 

Stretching the nuclear DNA out of a cell and placing it end to end would reach about how tall?

6 feet


The very fine fur coating a moose’s antlers, which provides nutrients for antler growth and is shed in the fall, has the same name as THIS kind of fabric.



The birthplace of Avicii and the place in which ABBA was formed, this Nordic city sometimes called the "Venice of the North" is known for its cleanliness, architectures, and abundance of parks.

Stockholm, Sweeden


A bunch of grown adults in colorful costumes argue a lot, then fight an alien army because one guy’s brother throws a tantrum.

The Avengers

Referring to a general principle or guideline that’s based on experience or practice, rather than theory or detailed calculation, this phrase originates from people using their finger to approximate a measurement when a ruler wasn't readily available

The Rule of Thumb


What is the only country that can be spelt using only the top row of a QWERTY keyboard?



Bacon grease was used to make what during World War Two?


During WWII,  the U.S. government urged Americans to save excess bacon grease rendered from cooking and donate it to the army to produce glycerin, which in turn created bombs, gunpowder, and other munitions. 


In many national parks, it is illegal to imitate the way moose communicate. How do moose communicate?

low-pitched vocal grunts similar to cows


Technically both a city and a country, this city is comprised of over 60 small islands and is nicknamed "Lion City"...despite lions never having existed in the city. They also take sanitation seriously: they created the non-profit World Toilet Organization and issue fines for people who do not flush the toilet.



A young prince runs away after his uncle’s bad day at work, then comes back years later to fight him for a job. Also, a mongoose and his best friend have a sing-along.

The Lion King


The space between two houses, where one nosy person might hang around, became known as doing this, now a term for listening in to another's business

The eaves drop --> Eavesdropping


Which country has the most time zones?


What is the closest US state to Africa?

