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What is the phenomena by which humans give more psychological weight to bad experiences than a good ones? (Some researchers assert that negative emotions have an impact close to 3x stronger than positive emotions).  

Answer:   A) Negativity Bias

               B) The Trauma Effect

               C) Crappy People Bias 

A) Negativity Bias


This refers to the tendency people have to adopt a certain behavior, style, or attitude simply because everyone else is doing it.

A) Copycat Syndrome

B) Bandwagon Effect

C) Kardashian Conundrum

B) Bandwagon Effect


This type of bias occurs when we rely on our instinct or first thoughts, rather than searching for more evidence or looking for more comprehensive information regarding a given topic or a person.

A) Availability Bias

B) Factual Bias

C) I’m Always Right Bias

A) Availability Bias


This type of bias presents itself as we let our most recent interactions with someone influence our opinion of them. 

A) Timeline Effect

B) Recency Effect

C) I’m Not an Elephant Effect 

B) Recency Effect


My middle name is Milagros. What does it mean?

A. Miracles

B. Marbles

C. Mirage

A. Miracles


This type of bias appears as we decide that something is true and we actively seek out information and individuals that will confirm our conclusions.

Hint: Part of the answer is in the question

Confirmation Bias


This happens when we assume an individual’s preferences, behaviors, skills, etc. due to our preconceived notions about that individual.

Hint: It is not "radio-writing"



This type of bias is evident when people prefer things to stay the same by doing nothing or by sticking with a decision made previously, even though it may not be the best outcome.  

Hint: It is Latin for "existing state"

Status Quo Bias


This effect occurs when we see one great thing or one bad thing about a person and we ignore everything else, or allow it to affect our opinions regarding other traits / characteristics

Hint: Angel / Demon head gear.                                The _____/_____ Effect

The Halo / Horns Effect


I've lived in and around Boston, MA for 30+years. At 11 years old I moved from this Latin American country.

*Hint: It's a U.S. territory*

A. Dominican Republic

B. Puerto Rico

C. Brazil

B. Puerto Rico


We unconsciously surround ourselves with people who are like us, and as a result, we tend to want to work with people who are like us. In terms of recruiting, what type of bias states that we are more likely to be open to hiring individuals we see parts of ourselves in?  

Similarity Bias

Side note: Also happens as Affinity Bias – we prefer people who are part of the same groups we belong to. 


This type of bias frequently presents as a tendency to think that people with appealing physical attributes will be the most successful.

Beauty Bias


When we do something well we tend to think it’s down to our own merit and personality. When we do something badly we tend to believe that our failing is due to external factors like other people or some adverse effect that prevented us from doing well. The opposite is true when we quickly judge other people. Name this type of bias.

Attribution Bias


This refers to remembering events differently from the way they happened or, in the most dramatic case, remembering events that never happened at all.

False Memory


What was my college major?

A. Psychology

B. Theater Arts

C. Business Management

B. Theater Arts
