Should you tell someone if you are being cyber bullied?
Yes, tell a trusted adult
What are 3 examples of physical bullying
pushing, hitting, spitting, biting, punching, shoving, pinching.
Should you bully someone because of their disability
why is racism bad
its disrespectful and rude
How is Cyber bullying different from physical bullying?
Cyber bullying is online
What is physical bullying
When bullies hurt their targets physically
What is disability bullying
when someone bully's you for your disability
What is racial bullying
when someone bully's you because of your skin and other stuff
How can prevent cyber bullying?
Tell someone/stand up to them or block/report them
How can you avoid physical bullying
Tell a trusted adult
how can prevent disability bullying?
require specific education about bullying
How can you prevent racial bullying
find someone to talk to
Why do kids Bully?
What are the effects of physical bullying?
A target of bullying has a higher risk for depression and anxiety
why do people bully others for there disability?
Because they are different and others think there better then them.
what country did racism originate from
What is harassment?
any unwanted behavior that makes someone feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or distressed
Why should we stop physical bullying?
Bullying can have harmful and long lasting consequences for children.
What are the long term effects of bullying?
increased risk of developing mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD that can lead to long-term trauma, social withdrawal, and, in extreme cases, suicidal ideation
how long has racial bullying been a thing
8th and 19th centuries