Exercise Intensity
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic
Agility & Acceleration
Types of Exercise

This is activity that is more than sitting in a chair and causes your heart rate to raise slightly. Examples include leisurely walking, light housework, and swimming for fun.

What is low-intensity?


Rhythmic and repetitive movements over a long period of time and is often referred to as "cardio".

What is aerobic?


A constant speed going in one direction

What is velocity?


A mind-body exercise that requires core stability, strength, and flexibility, and attention to muscle control, posture, and breathing.

What is pilates?


This is the fastest land animal but is going extinct because of a depleting food source and is too soft to defend its kills when it rarely makes them.

What is a cheetah?


This intensity of exercise causes your heart rate to climb to 70-80% of your maximum heart rate and one would have trouble talking during. Examples include: jogging/running, singles tennis, biking at a fast pace, hiking uphill or with a heavy pack, and basketball. 

What is vigorous or high-intensity?


This increases your heart rate and how much oxygen your body uses. Benefits include: reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

What is aerobic physical activity?

A change in velocity: either speed or direction.

What is Acceleration?


Alternating short periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercise with brief recovery periods until the point of exhaustion.

What is HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)?


The fastest animal on Earth capable of high-speed dives up to 240 mph?

What is the peregrine falcon?


This intensity of exercise is hard enough to make you breathe harder, raise your heart rate to 50-70% of your maximum heart rate, and break a sweat, but you can still talk while doing it. Examples include: walking briskly, volleyball, pushing a lawn mower, power yoga, or pilates.

What is moderate physical activity?


Short, fast movements that don’t make your body use oxygen, but breaks down glucose from muscles instead. Benefits include: increases bone density, increased strength, increased metabolism, burn fat.

What is anaerobic?


This term is used IN SPORTS as the change in speed or direction in response to a stimulus. 

What is agility?


Exerting maximum force in a small amount of time in order to increase power. Primarily used by athletes, especially martial artists, sprinters and high jumpers. 

What is plyometrics?


Squat jumps, box jumps, push-up claps, sprints, and power skips are all examples of:

What are plyometrics?


True or False: Your maximum heart rate depends on how active you are.

What is false?


High-intensity interval training (HIIT), heavy weight lifting, calisthenics (box jumps & jump squats), sprinting, circuit training, swimming short distances, bike sprints are all examples of:

What is anaerobic physical activity?


This word refers to slowing down, but is not proper physics according Mr. Jeff's high school physics teacher. 

What is deceleration?


Sometimes known as "pumping iron", this type of exercise can be done for strength, to gain muscle mass, or to tone muscles.

What is weight lifting?


To gain weight, you must consume more than you burn of this, and to lose weight, you must burn more than you consume of this:

What are calories?


Your maximum heart rate is determined by this math equation:

What is 220 - your age = maximum heart rate?


walking/jogging, cycling, swimming are examples of:

What is aerobic physical activity?


These are things you can do to help have quicker feet and change direction quicker (list at least 2):

What are "dropping your hips", "pumping your arms", "using precise footwork", "Athletic stance", "try slowly before fast"?

An aerobic fitness program featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance and performed primarily to Latin American dance music.

What is zumba?


Math time: The target heart rate of a 20 year old looking to partake in moderate physical activity. (Maximum heart rate would be 200)

What is 100-140 bpm?
