This fruit is know for being minions favorite fruit
what is a banana
The two vegetables that can not be stored in a refrigerator are
what is onions and potatoes
This greasy, but enjoyable breakfast food is
what is bacon
Bread, Cheese, Ham,, and mayo, is an example of what type of food
what is a sandwich
breakfast, lunch, and dinner are called
what is meals
In the grocery store orange packages usually say they are from which state
what is Florida
corn is no source of what
what is vitamins
This food is close enough to a pancake
what is a waffle
between breakfast and lunch is called
what is brunch
Breakfast is eaten between what times
what is 7:30- 9:00
are fruit sugary
what is yes
Pickles are made from what vegetable
What is cucumbers
This thing rhymes with Melly
what is jelly
People usually eat lunch between what times
what is 11:00- 1:00
Dinner is eaten between
blank and blank
what is 5:30- 8:00
On what show is there a orange that talks
What is annoying orange
Bunnies like to eat this vegetable
What is carrots
is coffee cake breakfast
what is yes, because it has coffee
Kids usually eat lunch at blank during the week
What is school
Brunch is
what is lunch and breakfast
what do fruit do you eat when your constipated
what is prunes
this vegetable is named close enough to its Italian cousin
what is spaghetti squash
Banana's are what color
what is green and yellow
Lunch is eaten before and after blank and blank
what is breakfast and lunch
what is breakfast