It means "rule by the people". In this type of government, power is held by the people.
Give an example of Dictatorship government.
Kim Jong-un from North Korea
Does U.S.A. have monarchy?
No. It is a Republic.
What is the Capital of U.S. Republican Government?
Washington, D.C.
It is a nation ruled by one King. He impose his force and dominance.
Absolute Monarchy
A chaotic situation in which there is no government...which means no stability.
What is it?
The United States is under a democratic government.
What type of Government Iran has?
It is a system by which a nation is ruled by a king or queen. Power is passed down through the ruling family. But they don't have full control of government.
Constitutional Monarchy
A system under which a single, unelected leader uses force to maintain control. In this form, little attention is given to personal freedoms and public opinion.
What type of governments predominate in the world today?
Who is the actual monarch in the UK?
Charles III
Ruled by a supreme spiritual or religious leader.
Which country belongs to Oligarchy?
Russia, China or Iran
Was France a republic in the past?
Which country has the only Theocratist government today?
The Vatican.
A ruling power in a political society. It has the authority to make laws, resolve disputes, and issue administrative decisions. In other words, they're responsible for providing order and stability.
What is it?
A Government
What type of Monarchy do royal families in Europe belong to?
Constitutional Monarchy
Governments should not provide for education or the well- being of the citizens.
Which government is often ruled by wealthy or powerful individuals?