What type of government is controlled by one person?
What is democracy?
A government where most people can vote
What is oligarchy?
A government ruled by a small group of people
What is autocracy?
A government ruled by one person
What word means a group of people who make and enforce laws?
What type of government lets most citizens vote?
What government lets people vote on the laws?
Direct democracy
What type of government is ruled by religious leaders?
What kind of government says it is against the law to disagree with the government?
What word means freedoms that belong to every person?
What type of government is controlled by a small group of people?
What government lets people vote for representatives to make the laws?
Representative democracy
What kind of government is ruled by people who claim to be better than others, usually because they are rich?
What type of government is ruled by a king or queen?
Absolute monarchy
What is a government responsibility?
An obligation to your country?
What are the three main types of government?
Autocracy, democracy, and oligarchy
What are the two types of democracy?
Representative democracy and direct democracy
What type of government makes the country's laws the same as their religion?
What are the two types of autocracy?
Absolute monarchy and dictatorship
What government is the opposite of democracy?
What type of government has no political order?
What is the difference between a direct democracy and a representative democracy?
A direct democracy lets citizens vote on every law.
A representative democracy lets citizens vote for people to represent them and make the laws for them
What is the difference between a theocracy and an aristocracy?
Theocracy is a small group of people that are in charge because of their religion.
Aristocracy is a small group of people that are in charge because they are rich and think they are better than others.
What is the difference between an absolute monarchy and a dictatorship?
Absolute monarchy is ruled by a king or queen. They are in charge from birth
Dictatorship is someone who takes over with force. Dictators take rights away from citizens.
What does civics mean?