I am waiting at the park near our house.
am waiting
The new movie was too boring.
The boys sat at the table near the corner.
sat - action
The pair of monkeys were laughing at the children.
were laughing
I was eating dinner when in walked my brother.
was, eating, walked
Aiden can read many books in a month.
can read
That cave looks dangerous to me.
Those dresses are very pretty.
are - linking
We should cook dinner now.
should cook
The smelly cat sneezed, and it was funny!
sneezed, was
Jim must complete two more courses to graduate.
must complete
The old dog seems sad and lonely.
That dog sleeps all day!
sleeps - action
They could eat a horse!
could eat
My mom loves soap operas and has watched them every afternoon.
loves, has, watched
The dancers should have practiced their routine before the performance.
should have practiced
She became the best player of the year!
The train blew its whistle loudly.
blew- action
The man is lifting two hundred pounds.
is lifting
Melissa earned a degree in English and now is teaching in France.
earned, is, teaching
In the morning, Gabby could have been looking over her notes for the test.
could have been looking
There are millions of stars in the sky.
We were late for the meeting on Wednesday.
were- linking
William's horse has been running too fast.
has been running
After running around the track, the kids were ready for a break.
running, were