Having a messy room is a NON-typical behavior.
FALSE: this is Typical for teens!
Cause for concern: Old rotting food, missing items, accumulation of dirty clothes and trash. Clothes covering floor and furniture.
What is Mindfulness
Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment.
Non-typical or Typical: Increased moodiness
Non-typical Intense, painful, long-lasting moods, major depressive episodes, panic attacks etc
April and May
Changes in sleep cycle is a NON-Typical Behavior
(This is typical in Teens)
NON-Typical when: Sleep lasts almost all day on weekends or often up nearly all night. Routinely late, missing events bc of sleep schedule.
Name 3 communication styles.
Passive. Aggressive. Assertive & Passive Aggressive
Non-typical or Typical. Increased argumentativeness, idealism, and criticism; being opinionated
What is Typical.
Non-typical is: rebellious questioning of social rules, causing trouble with anyone asserting authority.
What is the most viewed video on YouTube?
Baby Shark (with 14.1 billion views)
School Refusal is TYPICAL Behavior
Typical: Having a stressful transition
Non-Typical: School Refusal, bullying or being bullied, truancy, failure, lack of connection to peers, dropping out.
What is DEARMAN?
Interpersonal effectiveness skill for getting someone to do what you want.
Non-typical or Typical. Increased self-consciousness and increased focus on body image
Non-typical is social phobia or withdrawal, perfectionism/unrealistic standards, bingeing, purging, or restricting, obsessive about or neglectful of hygiene
What singer holds the record for most Grammy nominations?
Beyoncé, who has 88 nominations.
There are 5 scenes in (DBT) Therapy.
What does the acronym DBT stand for?
Dialectical behavioral therapy.
Non-typical or Typical: Experimenting with drugs, alcohols or substances
Non-typical: substance abuse, selling drugs, whole friend group participates.
What State is known as the "Diner Capital of the World"
New Jersey
Increased desire for privacy is TYPICAL behavior?
Non-Typical: isolation from family, routine lying, hiding things etc
What are the 3 States of Mind?
Typical vs Non-Typical: Becoming paralyzed with decision-making
Typical: Being stressed by everyday decision-making.
Name one or both performers from the last 2 Superbowls.
Rihanna or Usher