The keyboard shortcut command to select all of a text.
What is Control +A?
The part of a computer you look at to see what you have typed.
What is the screen?
The kind of room you are sent to when you go from a main Zoom meeting, to a smaller group meeting.
What is a Breakout room, or Breakout group?
The street on which Calahan Elementary School is located.
What is Knapp Street?
The holiday in which people dress up in costumes.
What is Halloween?
The keyboard shortcut command to turn off the computer.
What is ALT+F4?
The part of the computer that you type keyboard shortcut commands on.
What is the keyboard?
The way others in a Zoom meeting can see what you are seeing on your screen
What is sharing your screen?
The city in which Calahan Elementary School is located.
What is Northridge?
The other name for the Fall season.
What is Autumn?
The keyboard shortcut command to go the the beginning of a document.
What is Control + Home?
The part of the computer that supplies power.
What is the power cord, or the plug?
The person who lets you into a Zoom meeting.
Who is the host?
The event that happens every Monday morning, Rhymes with Plassembly.
What is the Monday morning assembly?
The basketball game, held in October, at Shephard of the Hills, that pits teams of teachers from Topeka Drive Elementary School against each other.
What is Hoopfest?
The keyboard shortcut command to go to the bottom of a document.
What is Control + End?
The part of the computer that you click on, and really, really, likes CHEESE!
What is the mouse?
The person, who is NOT the host, but has many of the same powers that the host has.
Who is the co-host of a Zoom meeting?
The place you would go if you started to feel sick while at school.
What is the Nurses office?
The cartoon played every October in which Charlie Brown spends the night in a Pumpkin Patch.
What is, "The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown?'
The keyboard shortcut command to get to Zoomtext.
What is Control + Alt + Z?
The part of the computer that allows you to be seen in a Zoom meeting.
What is the camera?
The way members of a Zoom meeting cay type messages to one another while a meeting is going on.
What is the chat feature on Zoom?
The name of your Math series, which is also the California state Motto, or, "I found it!"
What is Eureka?
The costume that might consist of a white sheet with eye holes cut into it.
What is a ghost costume?