As a child, I was captivated by the idea of being a baker - it was the ________ of bread and cakes!
A. aroma B. stench C. scent D. odour
-- it was the AROMA of bread and cakes!
I'm a sucker for ________ good marketing campaign-- I fall for ______ every time.
I'm a sucker for A good marketing campaign - I fall for IT every time.
One of the biggest issues many of us have to deal with in the modern world is _________ - (PROCRASTINATE) the problem that Hamlet struggles to overcome throughout Shakespeare's plays.
This milk is bad-- it smells terrible!
The Maths teacher RECOMMENDED that Jane should work harder.
In the event it didn't happen, but I do sell sweets online. That wasn't intentional - after college I'd been ______ down for every job I'd applied for, so starting my own business was my last option.
A. got B. turned C. put D. taken
I'd been TURNED down for every job...
Marketing people have got me sussed - they understand my mindset. _____ I buy something, I feel happy. The problem ______ I don't.
Marketing people have got me sussed - they understand my mindset. IF/WHEN/WHENEVER I buy something, I feel happy. The problem IS I don't.
We're all experts at putting off things we're _______ (WILL) to do, though we probably regard our failure in this area as ______ (SIGNIFY) and react to them far less _______ (EMOTION) than Hamlet does!
What the archeologists discovered when they opened the tomb was amazing!
The discovery (that / which) the archeologists made..
Achieving excellence depends on many different things, including physique and luck. _____ (DISPUTE) that those who dance professionally must also follow a _______ training regime... (RIGOUR)
I researched the market, looking for a _______, an unexploited area I could make on my own; I pursuaded a friend with marketing experience to come into _______ with me.
A. part B. corner C. section D. niche
A. contract B. partnership C. alliance D. collaboration
D....looking for a NICHE
B.... to come into PARTNERSHIP
Or, at least, I do feel happy but only for a moment. After that comes guilt and more often then _____, I return the item for a refund.
more often then NOT
However, when we come up with ________ (NUMBER) imaginary reasons for not meeting a deadline or leaving a job unfinished, we're not alone.
People are more interested in history than you might expect
You would/expect people to be less interested in history than you might expect.
For some people, it's earning a fortune, ______ for others it's working in a voluntary position helping those less fortunate.
A. as B. while C. so D. view
I suspected it might be a temporary arrangement until I _______ for a career but I enjoyed the flexibility of working for myself and decided to develop it into a __________ viable business.
A. picked B. decided C. chose D. opted
A. totally B. rather C. slightly D. quite
d. ... until I OPTED for a career
a. ...TOTALLY viable business.
Am I locked into this unending spiral of spend and regret? Ive been assessing options ____ might help me curb my buying impulses.
THAT / WHICH might help...
It's been said that nearly a quarter of the world's population follow the same pattern of ______ (behave).
For me, imagining what life must have been like then is just not possible.
I find it quite impossible to imagine what life must have been like then.
Many young people are happy with short-term fame but _______ it's true that reaching that one goal may be comparitively straightforward, maintaining that success is often much harder.
A. despite B. even C. although D. however
It was scary at first, particularly ______ with feelings of doubt. I was turning my ______ on security, taking a financial risk, but I was in charge, _______ the shots.
A. making B. getting C. coping D. being
A. back B. shoulder C. head D. body
A. risking B. telling C. calling D. giving
a..... I was turning my BACK on security..
c..... but I was in charge, CALLING the shots
I'm learning to spread my purchases ______ much as I can - instead of going on a big spending spree. I try to limit _____ to one purchase per trip to the shops.
...MYSELF to one purchase
Sadly, although we might like to think it, we are not all _______ (PERFECT) who work better under pressure -- this is a myth and a well-used excuse.
It's difficult for a poorly performing company to make a profit.
If a company is performing poorly, it's difficult to turn it into a profitable one.
Some people claim we would all feel much happier, if, instead ______ constantly checking for emails and texts, we turned off our smartphones completely and concentrated _____ those people physically present.