Subordinating Conjunctions
Coordinate & Cumulative Adjectives
Comma Splice
Vocab/ Races

Which of the following is a subordinating conjunction?

A) and
B) but
C) because
D) or

C) because

Ex: Because I love basketball, my husband bought me tickets to a Lakers game.


True or False: 

In the sentence "She adopted a small fluffy dog," "small" and "fluffy" are cumulative adjectives and should not have a comma between them.

True! They are different types of adjectives. "Small"=size, "Fluffy"= texture


Which of the following is NOT a FANBOYS coordinating conjunction?
A) for
B) and
C) but
D) unless

D) unless


Identify whether the following sentence is correct or a comma splice:

"I love cereal, it’s my favorite breakfast food."

Comma Splice!


Which vocab word from the past unit means to make a low humming noise?



Which sentence contains a subordinating conjunction?
A) She likes to read.
B) He runs fast, and he wins.
C) When it snows, we will go sledding.
D) I want pizza or pasta.

C.) When it snows, we will go sledding.


True or false: 

These adjectives do not take a comma between them: 

"The kind caring teacher went out of her way to help students review for their test."

False, the adjectives "kind" and "caring" are coordinate and require a comma. They are both opinion adjectives and can be switched or "and" added between them. 


True or False:

The sentence "I wanted to go for a walk, but it started to rain" uses a coordinating conjunction correctly.

True! The comma goes before the FANBOY "but" if what follows is an independent clause. 


Correct the comma splice in this sentence:
"While camping, he enjoys sleeping in a tent, she prefers an RV."

"While camping, he enjoys sleeping in a tent, but she prefers an RV."


What does each letter in RACES stand for?

R- Restate question

A- Answer

C- Cite textual evidence

E- Explain evidence

S- Summarize 


True or False: 

Subordinating conjunctions can connect independent clauses.

False (they connect an independent clause to a dependent clause)

dependent>(When I wake up), [I will go for a run]<independent.  


True or false: 

These adjectives take a comma between them: 

"It was a long, hot summer."

The adjectives "long" and "hot" are cumulative and do not require a comma.

They are different types of adjectives, therefor they must stay in place.  


1. Identify the FANBOY used in this sentence

2. Is it punctuated correctly?

"I am craving a bagel, and cream cheese."

1. and

2. No. It is separating a list of only two things: "bagel" "cream cheese"=no comma.


Fix the comma splice in this sentence:
"We went to Disneyland, it was incredibly crowded."

"We went to Disneyland, and it was incredibly crowded."

"We went to Disneyland. It was incredibly crowded."


Which sentence uses "monotonous" correctly:

A) The colorful painting was monotonous. 

B) The homework felt monotonous because it was the same every day.

C) He spoke in a monotonous voice, making the story exciting.

D) The cake tasted monotonous with so many different flavors.

B) The homework felt monotonous because it was the same every day.


Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
A) When it snows we will go sledding.
B) We will go sledding, when it snows.
C) We will go, sledding when it snows.
D) When it snows, we will go sledding.

D) When it snows, we will go sledding.

First clause starts with a subordinating conjunction (When)


Which of the following sentences correctly identifies the use of cumulative adjectives?
A) It was a bright, sunny day.
B) She wore a lovely blue dress.
C) The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
D) He is a strong, smart student.

B) She wore a lovely blue dress.

Cumulative do not take commas. They are different types of adjectives. 


Which sentence uses a FANBOYS coordinating conjunction correctly?
A) I enjoy reading, and I also like writing.
B) She is smart, but, she studies hard.
C) They can go to the park or they can stay home.
D) He runs fast for he practices every day.

A) I enjoy reading, and I also like writing.


True or false, you can use a semicolon here to fix this comma splice:

"My kitty is adorable; I enjoy turtles."

False. The two independent clauses have to be closely related in order to use a semicolon. 

EXAMPLE: "My kitty is adorable; she loves to cuddle."


Which vocab word from the past unit means: without purpose or direction



Fix the following sentence's punctuation:

"He went to bed late, because he had a sleepover, with his friends."

He went to bed late (DELETE COMMA) because he had a sleepover (DELETE COMMA) with his friends.

Do not put commas BEFORE subordinating conjunctions.


Identify the sentence that correctly uses coordinating adjectives.
A) The cozy, brown blanket kept me comfortable.
B) She wore a beautiful red dress.
C) It was a dark stormy night.
D) The bright, cheerful flowers bloomed in spring.

D) The bright, cheerful flowers bloomed in spring.

Coordinate adjectives need a comma and are the same type of adjectives (can be flipped and "and" added).


Identify the error in the following sentence:
"At the beach we saw seagulls kelp seashells and dolphins."


 a.) At the beach we saw seagulls, kelp, seashells and dolphins.

b.) At the beach we saw seagulls, kelp, seashells, and dolphins.

c.) At the beach we saw seagulls, kelp, seashells, and, dolphins.

d.) At the beach we saw, seagulls, kelp, seashells, and dolphins.

b.) At the beach we saw seagulls, kelp, seashells, and dolphins.


What are three main ways to fix a comma splice 

(ex: I like turtles, I like dolphins.)

1. Use a comma+fanboy

2. Put a period instead of the comma and make it a new sentence

3. Use a semi-colon


True or False:

In a RACES response, when you are citing evidence from the book and choose to paraphrase a quote in your own words, you do not have to give the author credit (say the chapter or page number).

FALSE! Even if not directly "quoting" something from a book, you still must give the author credit.

Ex: In chapter four on page 40, Salva chooses to blah blah blah. 
