Correct the sentence:
The man which has a dog
The man who/that has a dog
What is a tea bag?
A container for tea
What is the structure of past perfect?
Had+past participle
What is a tortoise?
It's a turtle
Correct the sentence:
The Rachel is annoying me so much!
Rachel is annoying me so much!
What is a key ring?
A ring to which you attach your keys
When do we use the past perfect?
past of the past
What is a mouse?
It's a rat
What is the number of this classroom?
Correct the sentence:
A students have to finish exercise I gave to them.
The/x students have to finish the exercise I gave to them
What does "as expected" mean?
Something will probably or certainly happen
With expectations
What is the other tense we use with the past perfect?
Simple past
What is anxious?
Who eats all the cookies in the break?
The asian boy
Correct the sentence:
Have you ever gone to the US? or UK? or the vietnam? and the China?
Have you ever gone to the US? or the UK? or vietnam? and China?
What does "fortunately" mean?
Happening because of good luck
Positive consequence
When do we use reported speech?
To say something someone else said
What is easygoing?
Easy to talk to
What is the real name of take take in english?
Correct the sentence:
The car where it won the race was very fast
The car which/that won the race was very fast
What does "on purpose" mean?
With intention
Put in the reported speech:
Bella: I can do the homework for you. I'll just need a cup of coffee before. Also, I'm watching a class right now. I have been afraid of not passing so I need to pay attention.
Bella said she could do the homework for me. She would just need a cup of coffee before. Also, She was watching a class then. She had been afraid of not passing so she needed to pay attention.
What is the difference between fun and funny?
Fun: Not serious/not boring
Funny: makes you laugh
Go to sleep
Wake up