Finish the Song
Story Quiz
Poems and Chant
Big Book Quiz

The song is "That kind of Day"

I love it when the sun is shining.
I can run outside and play.

I love it when the sun is shining.
I can run outside and play.

I love to find new bugs and things
and listed to the young birds sing!


In the Story "Why, Why" Why was the yellow cat so fat?

Because he ate a great big rat.


Should I walk in the street?

No you shouldn't. You should not.

You should walk on the sidewalk.


In the Book "little Duck", what did the little duck ask from the cow?

The little duck asked "Quack, Quack"


The little duck asked "Are you my mother"


The song is "That kind of Day"

I love it when the slow is falling.
I can slide down hills, oh, yey!

I love it when the slow is falling.
I can slide down hills, oh, yey!

I love to make slow balls to throw
and build a round man out of slow!


In the Story "Popper grow, Stopper grow" what did the old women fed the plant with to make it small again?

The old woman fed the plant some "STOPPER GROW"


In the Chant "Last night", where did the little girl hide last night?

She hid under her quilt last night.


In the Book "Peas, Please!", what did the boy use to eat those beans

The boy used a Spoon to eat those beans


The song is "One hundred Men"

To the top of the hill down again-
"Oh, will this ever end?"

To the top of the hill down again-
"Oh, will this ever end?"

But when they stopped in the middle,
one hundred men said,
"Please, may we match again?"


In the Story "Jonny and Jenny Bear Helping a Neighbor" What is the name of the neighbor bears name?

the neighbors name is Mr. Black


Finish the Poem

Time for Fun

I can't wait for summer!
That is time time for fun!

I can't wait for summer!
That is time time for fun!
That is the time we play
in the warm, warm sun


In the Book "Little Duck", what did the Mother duck say when the little duck asked a question?

The Mother duck said "Yes, I am"


He said "Sit on the elephant




He said "Sit on the elephant

and go for a ride."
So i sat on the elephant
and went for a ride.


In the Story "Donald's trip to the ocean" where did Donald's family went last year?

They went to the mountain


Finish the Poem

The Blue birds
Everyday in the spring,
I love to hear the blue bird sing.

Everyday in the spring,
I love to hear the blue bird sing.
They love to sing and whistle too.
They sing a song for me and you.


In the book "The Egg", what did the chick do on Saturday

He learned to count his toes on his two feet


The song is "I went to see the Zoo keeper"

He said "Throw this ball


He said "Throw this ball

and the big seal will catch it."
So I threw the ball
and the big seal caught it.


In the Story "Why, Why" why are those turtles learning to skate?

Because they are tired of being late.


Finish the Poem!

Greed to Red
The leaves wait for autumn.
They turn from green to red.

Greed to Red
The leaves wait for autumn.
They turn from green to red.
Then when a strong wind blows,
they fall down on my head!


In the Book "The Egg", what did the egg do on Sunday?

The small egg broke, and we could see a yellow cheek!
