Story Comprehension
Vocabulary in Sentences
Gender & Number of Adjectives
Past Participle w/ Haber

Who is the protagonist? How do you know?

The farmer Sebastian because the story follows him. 


Translate the following into Spanish:

The man cuts down the trees in the jungle.

El hombre tala los arboles en la selva.


What is the correct adjective to use with el hombre?

a. barbudo

b. barbuda

c. barbudos

d. barbudas

a. barbudo

el hombre barbudo


Translate the following:

El hombre habia arrodillado en el suelo.

The man had knelt on the floor


Who is the antagonist? How do you know?

The bearded man (lumberjack) because he is causing conflict in the jungle by cutting down all the trees. 


Translate the following into Spanish:

The leaves on the bushes shiver.

Las hojas en los matorrales tiritan.


What is the correct adjective to use with la mujer?

a. extrano

b. extrana

c. extranos

d. extranas

b. extrana

 la mujer extrana


Translate the following:

Ellos habian talado los arboles

They had cut down the trees.


What is the main conflict of the story?

Man vs. Nature


Translate the following into Spanish:

The light shines on the branches of the trees.

La luz reluce en las ramas de los arboles.


What is the correct adjective to use with los campesinos?

a. ocupado

b. ocupada

c. ocupados

d. ocupadas

c. ocupados

los campesinos ocupados


Translate the following:

The mother of the jungle had come to defend the jungle

La madreselva habia venido a defender la selva.


What is the climax of the story?

When the mother of the jungle frightens the bearded man so he understands the impact of his actions. 


Translate the following into Spanish:

The woman wakes up from a strange dream.

La mujer despierta de un sueno extrano.


What is the correct adjective to use with las hojas?

a. seco

b. seca

c. secos

d. secas

d. secas

las hojas secas


Translate the following:

You had shivered in fear

Tu habias tiritado en/con miedo


How does the story end? What is the lesson of the story stated at the end?

Sebastian goes back to the forest to find the bearded man has taken all his things & left. He comes to the understanding that the mother of the jungle appeared to defend herself from those who would hurt her.


Translate the following into Spanish:

The busy farmers water the dry crops.

Los campesinos ocupados riegan los cultivos secos. 

What is the correct adjectives to use with los arboles?

a. alto y bonito

b. alta y bonita

c. altos y bonitos

d. altas y bonitas

c. altos y bonitos

los arboles altos y bonitos


Answer BOTH of the following questions based on what we learned in Unit 2:

1. When used in a sentence with other verbs, what does haber mean?

2. What endings do we use with verbs with haber? Specify which verb type(s) go with each.

1. had done something

2. -ado for -AR verbs, -ido for -ER/IR verbs
