This war took the British money, forcing them to tax the colonists
French and Indian War
This battle ended the Revolutionary War
Battle of Yorktown
The treaty bewteen the US and Britain was signed where?
Paris, France
Prohibit means?
to forbid
Mr. Lindsay's favorite animal is?
A cow
Name three things taxed under the Stamp Act:
Paper, stamps, newspapers, dice, legal documents, etc.
What was the name of the Army for the Patriots?
Continental Army
This revolution was sparked after the Revolutionary War, and banned slavery there
Haitian Revolution
alliance means?
to team up
The capital of Bulgaria is?
The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited white settlers from:
Moving West of the Appalachian Mountains
*Double Jeopardy*
Women served as ___ during the Revolutionary War to help their side.
What was the greatest concern for the citizens of the US after the war?
Financial concerns
Hypocrisy means
to say something but then do something else
Mr. Lindsay has how many siblings?
This party occurred when the colonists were upset with their tea being taxed-
Boston Tea Party
George Washington launched a surprise attack on the British here-
This rebellion was sparked after new taxes in the US were hurting farmers financially
Shay's Rebellion
Propaganda means
Information that misleads
The capital of Trinidad and Tobago is?
Port of Spain
This order allowed British soldiers to enter and search the homes of colonists
Writs of Assistance
Why did the South not support the British as they expected them to?
Unhappy with Lord Dunmore's proclamation, that Black soldiers would be free.
What countries, other than the US, did Britain have to make peace with after the war?
France and Spain
Another name for the Ho-Chunk nation is the-
*Double Jeopardy*
What is Illinois' state bird?
Northern Cardinal