Conservation of Momentum 1
Momentum Concepts
Name That Collision!

Two blocks are at rest on either side of a spring. What is the total (net) momentum of the two-object system after the expansion of the spring?

0 Kg m/s 


What factors affect an object's momentum?

Mass and Velocity


m1v1i+m2v2i = m1v1f+ m2v2f



Mario travels at 2 m/s and hits Luigi's identical cart that is initially at rest. After the collision Mario transfers all of his momentum to Luigi. Which graph best represents Mario's velocity before and after the collision. 



Two objects of different mass falling from the same height would have a difference in which of these properties: 

Acceleration / Distance / Velocity / Momentum

Momentum only 


m1v1i+m2v2i = (m1 + m2)vf



A 60 kg physics student at rest on a frictionless ice skating rink throws a 5 kg box, giving the box a velocity of 4 m/s. What is the velocity of the student immediately after the box is thrown?

-0.33 m/s


If you  had a normal force of 660 N while running at 7 m/s, what is your momentum?           

462 Kg m/s


Give the Explostion equation: 

(m1 + m2)vf = m1v1i+m2v2i


A 2 kg snowboard is sliding along some frictionless ice at a velocity of 7 m/s. A 59 kg snowboarder then jumps on the board at 0.5 m/s. What is the final velocity of the snowboarder and their board?

0.7 m/s 


The accompanying velocity-time graph represents the motion of a 10 kilogram cart along a straight line.  Calculate the change in momentum of the cart from t= 3s and t = 6 seconds.

-300  Kg m/s


 Aeisha is about to crash into Odeesho from behind. Aeisha and her kart have a mass of 135 kg and are initially traveling at 20 m/s. Odeesgi and his kart have a mass of 185 kg and are traveling at 15 m/s. After the collision, Aeisha is traveling at 18 m/s. What is Odeesho’s new velocity after the collision? 

Elastic Collision


Bowser is about to crash into Boo from behind. Bowser and his kart have a mass of 230kg and are initially traveling at 15 m/s. Boo and his kart have a mass of 87 kg and are traveling at 8 m/s. After the collision, Bowser is traveling at 11 m/s. What is Boo’s new velocity after the collision?

18.7 m/s


Two carts of identical mass are free to move along a straight, frictionless track. Cart 1 is moving at 200 m/s when it collides with and sticks to cart 2, which is initially at rest. What is velocitythe carts after they collide.

100 m/s


A 50.0 kg valor student is at rest on a frictionless ice skating rink throws a 5.0 kg box, giving the box a velocity of 15.0 m/s. What is the velocity of the student immediately after the box is thrown?

