The Skill of Cooking
The Skill of Cooking
Autumn Walk
From Seed to Pumpkin to Seed
Revising & Editing

What is the meaning of the word relaxing as it is used in paragraph 5?

A. to become less tense or stiff 

B. to take a rest or do something enjoyable 

C. to allow your attention to become weak 

D. to make less intense



B. to take a rest or do something enjoyable 


What is the author's main claim in the article? 

F. Children should learn to cook. 

G. Cooking goes faster without children helping. 

H. Children who know how to cook make good food. 

J. People eat food that tastes bad if it looks good.

F. Children should learn to cook. 


Lines 18 through 21 suggest that the speaker 

feels — 

A. surprised to find a big pile of leaves 

B. excited to go through the pile of leaves 

C. curious about what is hiding under the leaves 

D. worried about the amount of leaves on the ground

B. excited to go through the pile of leaves 


 In which section of the article would the reader most likely find information about caring for pumpkin plants that are just starting to grow? 

F. Seeds 

G. Sprouts and Vines 

H. Pollination 

J. Pumpkins 

G. Sprouts and Vines 


(17) Not all tree houses look alike. (18) In Sweden their is a tree house hotel that is shaped like a bird’s nest.

What change should be made to sentence 18? 

A Change their to there 

B Insert a comma after hotel 

C Change shaped to shape 

D Change bird’s to birds

A Change their to there 


Which sentence from the article is an opinion?

F. Health experts encourage people to cook (paragraph 2) 

G. After all, there are plenty of sharp and hot things in there! (paragraph 3) 

H. Pasta sauce is always a favorite! (paragraph 6) 

J. You can figure out how much money cooking at home saves. (paragraph 7)  

H. Pasta sauce is always a favorite! (paragraph 6) 


Which sentence from paragraphs 6 and 7 shows that it is worth taking time to teach children to cook? 

After a while, they may even help cooking go faster! 

You can start learning to cook by doing easy tasks.

For example, sauté means fry, and blend means mix.

 Words like these may be found in recipes.  

After a while, they may even help cooking go faster! 


Which sentence best describes the stanzas of the poem? 

F. Each stanza contains lines that rhyme. 

G. Each stanza creates an image for the reader. 

H. Each stanza describes a new event for the reader. 

J. Each stanza repeats important lines.

G. Each stanza creates an image for the reader. 


What is the central idea of the article? 

F. Pollen from flowers spreads to other pumpkin plants. 

G. Small seeds become the plants that produce pumpkins. 

H. Pumpkins remain as sprouts for most of their lives. 

J. Pumpkins can come in many different colors.

F. Pollen from flowers spreads to other pumpkin plants. 


What is the correct way to write sentence 3? 

A Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Because others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field. 

B Some people searching inside a twisting model of the human brain. Others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field. 

C Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain, and others walk past. Rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field. 

D Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field.

D Some people search inside a twisting model of the human brain. Others walk past rows of wooden towers that stand like soldiers in a field.


Which audience is the author addressing in this article? 

F. Adults who have jobs as cooks 

G. Children who are good at cooking 

H. Adults who do not cook at home 

J. Children who have not learned to cook

J. Children who have not learned to cook


What is the most likely reason the author uses a cause-and-effect structure in the section "Careful in the Kitchen"? 

A. To tell the steps children need to follow to be safe in the kitchen 

B. To describe the many dangers children find in the kitchen 

C. To show the problems children see in the kitchen and how to solve them 

D. To explain how children become safer in the kitchen when they learn to cook

D. To explain how children become safer in the kitchen when they learn to cook


Read lines 15 through 17 of the poem. 

15 Where they tumble 

And gather 

In piles and drifts

These lines help the reader picture the way the leaves —

A. are colored 

B. look along the street 

C. sound as they fall 

D. feel in the darkness

B. look along the street 


In paragraph 1, what is the most likely reason the author uses the phrase "pumpkins seem to be everywhere"? Select TWO correct answers. 

A. To show that fall is when most pumpkins are picked 

B. To show that there are too many pumpkins 

C. To show that many people like pumpkins 

D. To show that pumpkins can grow in strange places 

E. To show that many people go to where pumpkins grow

A. To show that fall is when most pumpkins are picked 

C. To show that many people like pumpkins 


(8) Soon the picnic turned into a game of catch, and barefoot Daniel rushed across the field to catch a ball. (9) He stretched his leg just a bit too far and tripped right over one of the brown hills! (10) Daniel shrieked as a swarm of ants burst out from the top of the hill. (11) In seconds the ants had covered Daniel’s feet and were crawling up his legs. (12) The biting, stinging attack was instant. (13) Daniel hopped up and down, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Which sentence could best follow and support sentence 10? 

F He knew just what he needed to do, fast! 

G It looked like a volcano of tiny, angry insects! 

H He shrieked sometimes when he was surprised. 

J They burst right out of the top of a little hill.

G It looked like a volcano of tiny, angry insects! 


Read these sentences from paragraph 6 of the article. 

You can wash fruits and vegetables. Then you can start preparing cold dishes, such as salads. Eventually, with adult help, you can start making hot recipes. Pasta sauce is always a favorite! 

How does the word choice in the sentences contribute to the author's voice in the article? 

F. By repeating you can, the author creates a positive feeling about cooking. 

G. By using the words fruit and vegetables, the author makes cooking sound easy. 

H. By mentioning cold dishes, the author changes the meaning of cooking. 

J. By including adult help, the author warns children to be extra careful while cooking.


F. By repeating you can, the author creates a positive feeling about cooking. 


Which detail from paragraphs 5 through 7 in the article supports the key idea that cooking teaches children about many things? 

A. People worry that children will get hurt. 

B. People like food that looks good. 

C. People do math and reading while cooking. 

D. People say they are too busy to teach cooking.

C. People do math and reading while cooking. 


In lines 1 through 4 and lines 28 through 31, the placement of the word "Crunch" is meant to emphasize — 

F. that the speaker is talking 

G. the number of leaves there are 

H. how carefully the speaker is moving 

J. each step the speaker is taking

J. each step the speaker is taking


Which conclusion can be made based on information throughout the article? 

A. Pumpkins can grow without bees. 

B. People know little about pumpkins. 

C. People use pumpkins for many things. 

D. Pumpkins are larger than they used to be.

C. People use pumpkins for many things. 


(25) Daniel’s mom consulted the Internet, and the bites would not need to be treated by a doctor is what she decided.

What is the most effective revision to make in sentence 25? 

F Daniel’s mom consulted the Internet she decided that the bites would not need to be treated by a doctor. 

G Daniel’s mom consulted the Internet, where the bites she decided would not need to be treated by a doctor. 

H Daniel’s mom consulted the Internet and decided that the bites would not need to be treated by a doctor.

J No revision should be made in this sentence.

H Daniel’s mom consulted the Internet and decided that the bites would not need to be treated by a doctor.



What is the most likely reason the author includes the   "Careful in the Kitchen" article? 

The author most likely included this section to explain that some people oppose allowing children in the kitchen. However, the author provides a counterclaim explaining how teaching children kitchen skills can actually be safer than we think.



The author probably uses research in paragraph 2 to-

Possible answer:

The author probably uses research in paragraph 2 because he wants to support his claim. He wants to encourage people and kids to cook because it will increase their overall health.


Which lines of the poem best show why the speaker likes the leaves? 

A. Lines 7 through 9 

B. Lines 12 and 13 

C. Lines 26 and 27 

D. Lines 32 and 33

C. Lines 26 and 27 


The author organizes the section "Sprouts and Vines" by telling -- 

A. how people solve different problems with growing pumpkins 

B. the facts that support a description of pumpkins 

C. how pumpkin leaves affect the way the plant grows 

D. the early stages of a pumpkin plant and the order in which they happen

D. the early stages of a pumpkin plant and the order in which they happen


(5) Livy and Hailey are twins, but Livy was born with many health problems. (6) Livy is unable to speak or walk, and sometimes she has to spend time in the hospital. (7) She also has epilepsy, which is a brain condition that causes a person to have seizures. (8) There are different types of seizures, and many cause muscles to shake or jerk. (9) There are other kinds of brain conditions that people can be born with, too. 

Jake has included an unnecessary sentence in the second paragraph (sentences 5–9). Which sentence should be deleted from this paragraph? 

A Sentence 5 

B Sentence 7 

C Sentence 8 

D Sentence 9

D Sentence 9
