This is the summary of an article.
What is an abstract?
The study of behavior and mental processes.
What is psychology
This famous psychologist studied reward and punishment.
Who is B.F. Skinner?
Mindset that change is possible.
What is a growth mindset?
This person introduced studying the unconscious mind in psychology.
Who is Sigmund Freud?
Theory that humans are born with a need to form a close emotional bond with a caregiver.
What is attachment theory?
This test analyses a subject's response to ink blots on paper.
What is a Rorschach test?
This position is the head of a lab.
What is a PI?
What is a Principle Investigator?
This person has taught the following classes in the past: dev psych, child dev in the classroom, and media and psychology.
Who is Prof. O'Doherty?
When people make a mistake in assuming what is causing them to feel aroused.
Misattribution of Arousal.
Pairing of a neutral stimulus to a behavior.
What is classical conditioning?
An additional variable that may explain results.
What is a confounding variable?
Theory that says in the presence of others individuals feel less personal responsibilty and are less likely to take action in a situation where help is required
What is diffusion of responsiblity
This person is known for their famous "shock experiment" to test obedience.
Who is Stanley Milgram?
Perspective that psychology should be an objective science that studies measurable behavior. Associated with John Watson
What is behaviorism
Method of exploring consious mental process by asking subjects to look inward and report their sensations and perceptions
What is introspection
A researcher has done this when they create their hypotheses after the results are known.
What is HARKing?
model that compares the human brain to a computer, explaining how we process information by receiving input from the environment and storing it in different memory systems (sensory, working, and long-term).
What is the information processing model?
A psychologist who proposed the idea that children have distinct stages of cognitive development.
Who is Jean Piaget?
This theory was studied by Bandura, and posits that people learn from one another via observation.
What is Social Learning Theory?