The Greeks proudly recalled this series of wars, in which they successfully defended their poleis from a larger empire.
Persian Wars
This famed orator had his hands and head cut off during Marcus Antonius' (Marc Antony) proscriptions.
Practically the patron of the UCA, this Athenian strategos is well know for betraying Athens at least three times during the Peloponnesian War.
This "first woman" created by the Hephaestus was gifted with beauty by Aphrodite and a deceitful nature by Hermes.
The Greek for "rule of the people" gives us this English term.
Democracy (δημοκρατία)
This elite group of soldiers from this city was made up of 150 pairs of male couples.
Theban Sacred Band
Before the republic, Roman stories say that they were ruled by kings from this group of people.
This historian from Asia Minor recounts the causes of the disputes between the Persians and the Greeks.
The first aristeia of the Iliad involves this hero wounding this Olympian (supply both the hero and the Olympian)
Diomedes; Aphrodite
This pottery style paints the vase black and leaves the details as the natural red color of the clay.
This famous Spartan defeated the Athenians (and Thucydides) at Amphipolis but died in the same battle.
This hill of Rome was where Augustus and some later emperors had their homes.
Palatine Hill
This member of the optimates faction fought against Julius Caesar in a civil war before being defeated at the Battle of Pharsalus.
This cousin of Dionysus was torn apart by his own mother in a maenadic frenzy.
In this speech, Pericles urges the Athenians to become "lovers" of their city.
The Funeral Oration
This family was banished from Athens on multiple occasions on the grounds of being cursed.
The Alkmeonids
This emperor was captured, skinned, then stuffed and kept as a trophy by King Shapur of Persia.
This Athenian lawmaker apparently left Athens for ten years after establishing the laws there, so that no one could force him to change or overturn them.
This Phrygian goddess, called Magna Mater in Rome, had a thriving mystery cult with her consort, Attis.
The earliest graffiti about Jesus' crucifixion in Rome portrays which animal being crucified.
These silver mines in southern Attica made Athens rich.
Name all five of the "Five Good Emperors."
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius.
The emperor Lucius Septimius Bassianus was nicknamed "Caracalla," which is this.
Gallic hooded tunic (which he apparently would wear)
Whichever team can name the most Muses wins (out of nine).
Calliope (Epic), Clio (History), Erato (Lyric Poetry), Euterpe (Flute), Melpomene (Tragedy), Polyhymnia (Hymns), Terpsichore (Dance), Thalia (Comedy), Urania (Astronomy)
This is the meter of epic poetry.
Dactylic Hexameter