When do you do PEWS scoring?
What is:
For all transfers
Patients Bill of Rights are located here
What is:
Registration areas
Patient & Guest Relations Intranet Page
Clean sweeps are done to ensure:
What is:
continued survey readiness
I do this and document it where, when I have a patient with abnormal vital signs
What is:
I inform the medical provider & document it in Clinician Notification in Iview
What is:
be courteous & respectful
be simple
speak to our policies
Be clear
When do you do A full set of vital signs?
What is:
At intake
Within 30 minutes of discharge or transfer
Service Excellence is measured by:
What is:
Press Ganey
Complaints & Grievances
Google / Internet Reviews
Inter-dept. survey results
Some things that we focus on in the clean sweep are:
What are:
Loose / stained tiles
Places that need paint / patch
Dust on equipment
exit doors blocked
uncoverved linen
Medication and food in the same area
Power strips
decorations blocking sprinklers
exposed electrical wires
oxygen cylinders / areas not labeled
Medication room readiness
Treatment room readiness
Staff readiness
Eyewash readiness
Expired items
Sharps full
I use this to restrain patients:
What is:
We don't use restraints in the UCCs
If I don't understand a survey question I will:
What is :
ask for clarification
ask them to repeat
When do you do focused assessments / reassessments?
What are:
At Intake
At Discharge
After every intervention
Change in condition
Some quality indicators that we measure / follow are:
What is:
Medication Errors
IV Infiltrates
Length of Stay
I do this for Code Rain:
What is:
Recognize, Avoid harm (run), Isolate (hide), Notify (911 when safe to do this).
Know Locked Rooms
I check these to ensure accuracy in my medication administration:
What is, right:
Patient (Name, DOB)
Medication name & form
Route of administration
Expiration date
Strength and dose
No allergies / precautions / contraindications (eg. exparel with lidocaine)
If I don't know the answer to a survey question I will:
What is:
Say I don't know but I will find it for you
Tell them who you would go to in order to find it
Show them you know your resources on where to find information
What patient form needs something documented every 15 minutes?
Behavioral Health Patient Care
Our role in maintaining quality:
What is:
Maintaining falls precautions
Regularly assessing IVs
Documenting correctly
Pain AIR process less than 59 mins each time
Maintaining proper flow
Time management and priorities
Providing excellent care all the time
I do this if there is a major spill of a potentially dangerous chemical:
What is:
Call OA
Check SDS on Intranet
I can find my Job description, iprivileges, policies, what to do for chemical spills, standard work here
What is the Intranet Apps
I do this for Code Red:
What is:
Rescue, alarm, contain, evacuate
Then to use fire extinguisher I
Pull , aim, squeeze, sweep base of fire
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Answer the following Random Firstnet Questions:
a) How do you know what language to put the discharge instructions in?
b) What is leveling for in intake?
c) What age in intakae do you ask the ASQ Questions?
a) Preferred Language - demographics
b) Leveling in the UCC consists of 3 levels Red, Yellow and Green. Red is the most severe level and Green is the lowest severity Level. This level guides the providers to the order by which patients should be seen.
c) 8 and above
How would I describe antibiotic stewardship & how we are pursuing that here?
What is:
Only prescribing antibiotics when they are needed.
We use clinical pathways to help
We participate in antibiotic stewardship projects
I do these steps to check if my negative pressure room is working:
What is:
Check if the light is green & ...
flutter test steps & where to record it
string, under slightly open door, if it pulls in it works
record on flutter test log
What is :
focused assessment, charge ticket, recheck pain, vital signs
What is:
Donning- gown, mask, goggles/face shield, gloves
Doffing- gloves, goggles/face shield, gown, mask, wash hands
or Doffing- gown & gloves together, goggles/face shield, mask, wash hands
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