This is the number of bones in the adult human body.
Although it had no important functions, this organ is a frequent cause of belly pain requiring surgery in children and adolescents.
(Almost) every surgery starts with this trusty instrument.
A 65 year old man with sudden onset chest pressure, shortness of breath, and left arm pain.
Heart attack
This pair of organs make urine
This is the longest bone in the human body.
Belly pain after eating burgers and fries may be due to stones in this organ.
This type of instrument is used to clear the field to allow the surgeon to see where they are operating
A 75 year old woman found with slurred speech, weakness, and facial droop.
This organ is often considered the most complex system in the known universe.
This is the scientific name for the collarbone.
Stay hydrated or you may develop these, which may present as belly pain and bloody urine. They're not fun to pass...
Kidney stones
This is a type of scissor, not something you put on your sandwich!
Mayo scissors
A 60 year old with fever, cough, loss of smell, headache, and hypoxia.
This organ helps clean our blood of medications, toxins, and alcohol.
As I read this out loud, you are using this bone, the smallest bone in the body.
This virus is a frequent cause of belly pain, vomiting, and diarrhea on cruise ships.
This instrument looks like scissors, but is actually used to hold sutures:
Needle drivers (exact name needed)
A 8 year old with fever, sore throat, and enlarged lymph nodes.
Strep throat
This pair of organs is the only one other than the heart that receives 100% of the blood volume.
This is actually not a "bone" but a nerve, although people mistakenly call this a bone.
What is the funny bone?
This condition describes when an embryo implants somewhere other than the uterus, which is an emergent cause of severe belly pain
Ectopic pregnancy
This is the name for the flat blade of the laryngoscope. Fun fact: this is Dr. Tillou's preferred blade!
Miller blade laryngoscope
A 19 year old with fever, headache, confusion, and neck pain.
This pair of organs make epinephrine which is important for the fight-or-flight response.
Adrenal glands