Vaccines cause autism.
Name at least one celebrity who is on the spectrum.
Greta Thunberg, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Elon Musk, etc.
What is the ratio of girls to boys diagnosed with ASD?
What is the primary difficulty for people on the spectrum?
Impaired social interaction
Speak ________ to minimize miscommunications.
ASD must have notably impacted a person’s development in order for them to be diagnosed.
Who was the first person to be diagnosed with autism?
Donald Triplett
At least 1 out of _____ people in the US have autism.
What is the word used when someone is exposed to more sensory input than they can process comfortably?
What is a skill someone with ASD can practice to help manage symptoms?
Self-care, making a routine, keeping calming items (related answers accepted)
People with autism are more intelligent on average than people not on the spectrum.
When was autism officially recognized as its own, distinct diagnosis? (Within 5 years.)
There is an increased chance of having autism if…
...someone in the family has it.
Name two early signs of autism in children.
Lack of eye contact, not playing with others, heavy preference for routine, echoing and/or repeating
Name at least three things that you can do to support people on the spectrum.
Understand/ support their needs, stop the spread of misinformation where you can, stand behind people with autism when they advocate for political and social reform, etc.
The rate of seizures among people on the spectrum is roughly 10 times higher than the general population.
What disorder was autism initially thought to be related to?
What percentage of people on the spectrum have “savant syndrome?
How early can signs of autism be noticed in a child?
Name at least one method of therapy that can be useful for someone on the spectrum.
Applied Behavior Analysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Relationship Development Intervention, etc.
Supporting a child on the spectrum (therapy and other medical expenses) costs an average of about $5,000 per year.
Myth… it’s usually at least double that, and averages closer to $50,000
Name at least one researcher involved in creating the modern definition of autism.
Grunya Sukhareva, Leo Kanner, Hans Asperger, etc.
What percentage of people on the spectrum have a concurrent (interrelated) diagnosis?
Name two intersectional factors that can impact the symptoms a person on the spectrum displays.
Gender, nationality, family, wealth, etc.
What can you do to help someone who is being overstimulated?
Provide an opportunity for them to get away from the source of their distress (other answers also accepted, but this should be first)