"lavar los platos" (you formal)
Lave los platos
How do you form a reg. verb into an informal command" in Spanish?
conjugare to third person singular
Conjugate the verb "to buy" as a formal command
Conjugate the verb "to go" in negative formal command (Ud form)
no vaya
¨Eat it (masc)" Uds
"limpiar la casa" (Ud)
limpie la casa
Clean the house
What do formal commands do? Be specific
Tell someone you don't know or someone older or someone you are on a title basis with, what to do.
Conjugate "to drink" as a negative formal command
no beba/ no beban
Conjugate the verb "ser" into both forms Ud and Uds.
"Read it (fem)" Ud
"barrer el suelo" (Uds)
"barrer el suelo" (Negative tú)
Barran el suelo
No barras el suelo
How do you form Ud/Uds formal commands?
1. Start with the yo form of the present tense.
2. Then drop the -o ending.
3. Finally, add the following endings:
-ar verbs:
-e (for Ud.), -en (for Uds.)
-er and -ir verbs:
-a (for Ud.), -an (for Uds.)
Conjugate "to look for" in negative form and how do you spell it?
no busque/ no busquen
How would you conjugate the verb "to play" into the Ud. and Uds. form?
juegue / jueguen
"Do not put them (masc)" Uds
No los pongan
"Set the table" (Uds)
Pongan la mesa
Name the four categories of verbs that don't follow the same rules as Regular verbs when we conjugate them
Irregular verbs, stem changing verbs, irregular "yo" form and -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR verbs
Conjugate "to think" in negative formal command
no piense / no piensen
What is the Uds negative command of "to see" and "to know"
no vean & no sepan
¨Do not answer them (fem)" Uds
No las respondan /No las contesten
"Take out the trash" (Uds)
Saquen la basura
Name the 5 irregular verbs in formal commands (infinitive form)
Dar, estar, ir. saber and ser
What is the Uds. command for recoger (and how do you spell it)?
Conjugate DORMIRSE into both formal negative and affirmative formal command (Uds)
No se duerman/duérmanse
"Give it (masc) to me" Uds