Not your "funny" bone.
What is the humerus?
The process of muscle shortening.
What is contracting?
This muscle helps supinate the forearm.
What is the supinator?
Compression of this nerve results in a numb thumb, index through partial ring finger.
What is the median nerve?
The number of carpal bones.
What is eight?
Distal radius.
What is the most fractured bone in the wrist?
This allows a muscle to be stretched.
What is extensibility?
This muscle flexes the elbow, assists pronating and supinating the forearm.
What is the Brachioradialis?
This nerve is called your funny bone.
What is the ulnar nerve?
Often called the pointy part of the elbow.
What is the Olecranon?
Partner to the radius.
What is the ulna?
This muscle pronates the forearm and assists with elbow flexion.
What is Pronator Teres?
This muscle is the primary extender of the MP joints.
What is the Extensor Digitorum Communis?
Compression of this nerve may result in intrinsic muscle loss in the hand.
What is the ulnar nerve?
Often called "no man's land" in the hand.
What is zone 2?
A bone that is shaped like a half-moon.
What is the lunate?
Flexes the wrist in radial direction.
What is Flexor Carpi Radialis?
This muscle's acronym is ECRB.
What is the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis?
Compression of this nerve sometimes mimics lateral epicondylitis pain.
What is the radial nerve (in the radial tunnel)
Made up of four muscles: teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis muscles.
This carpal bone is frequently fractured during high-velocity falls.
What is the scaphoid?
This muscle flexes the PIP Joint of the index through small finger.
What is the Flexor digitorum superficialis?
This muscle extends the elbow.
What is the anconeus?
This nerve is sometimes affected during a humeral fracture, causing wrist "drop."
What is the axillary nerve?
The number of dorsal compartments containing tendons in the hand/wrist.
What is six?