Black History Month
Angela Davis
Black History Sports &
Malcolm X
Expository Writing
Name that song

1. What are the names of President Barack Obama's two daughters

A. Venus and Serena Obama

B. Blue and Skittles Obama

C. Malia and Sasha Obama

D. Michelle and Cindy Obama

C. Malia and Sasha Obama


[6] Angela Davis is an American political activist, professor and writer. In 1972, she was being interviewed. She was asked for her opinion on the use of violence by the Black Panthers. The Black Panthers was a political organization that fought for civil rights and empowerment in the Black community. Davis had been involved with the group years earlier.

What is the meaning of empowerment?

A. To strengthen and or help someone.

B. To stop someone from succeeding

C. To help someone to lift something heavy

D. To show someone how strong you are.

A. To strengthen and or help someone.


11. Who was the star of Black Panther?

Chadwick Boseman


16. "With the help of such disciples as my father, Garvey, from his headquarters in New York City's Harlem, was raising the banner of black-race purity and encouraging the Afro American people to return to their ancestral African homeland-a cause which had made Garvey the most controversial black man on earth. [Many people saw him as a trouble-maker]" 

What is the best definition for the word controversial in this paragraph?

A. A topic or person who causes a lot of disagreements and sometimes trouble.

B. A topic or person who is well-liked.

C. Well-known

D. Controversial is a fact and something that cannot be argued with.

A. A topic or person who causes a lot of disagreements and sometimes trouble.


21. Attack this prompt: Write an essay explaining whether it is better to be respected or feared?

Is it better to be respected or feared?


26. This song was made by a group of Houston artist in the early 90’s

A. Dr. Dre- Nuthin but a G’ thang

B. Notorious B.I.G - Juicy

C. Geto Boys - Mind playing tricks on me

D. H-town - Paranoid

C. Geto Boys - Mind playing tricks on me


2. World renowned performer, World War II spy, and activist are few of the titles used to describe...

A. Beyonce

B. Josephine Baker

C. Missy Elliot

D. Billie Holiday

B. Josephine Baker


[7] "You ask me whether I approve of violence?" Davis responded. "That just doesn't make any sense at all. Do I approve of guns? I grew up in Birmingham, Alabama. Some friends of mine were killed by bombs – bombs that were planted by racists. I remember, from the time I was very small, the sound of bombs exploding across the street and the house shaking. ... I find it incredible to hear this question. It tells me the person asking has no idea what Black people have gone through in this country."

Why did Angela believe that the use of force was justified and necessary? 

A. People of color had experienced so much violence in the past.

B. There was no police protection for minorities

C. The government did not treat everyone equal.

D. All the above

D. All the above


12. This city is home of "Screwed & Chopped music" 

A. New Orleans

B. Dallas

C. Houston

D. Harlem


17. "The Klansmen shouted threats and warnings at her that we had better get out of town because "the good Christian white people" were not going to stand for my father's "spreading trouble" among the "good" African Americans of Omaha with the "back to Africa" preachings of Marcus Garvey."

Infer: What did Marcus Garvey believe that African Americans should do in order to gain equality and a better quality of life? Use evidence quoted directly from the text.

Marcus Garvey believed that in order to achieve equality and a better quality of life, Afro Americans should ______________. I know this because in the text, the author stated “_______________”.


Marcus Garvey believed that in order to achieve equality and a better quality of life, Afro Americans should go to Africa. I know this because in the text, the author stated "the good Christian white people" were not going to stand for my father's "spreading trouble" among the "good" African Americans of Omaha with the "back to Africa" preachings of Marcus Garvey."


22. What is the formula for a thesis statement?

A. Keywords from the prompt because reason(s)

B. Tell the audience what to do

C. Use H.E.L.P.S

D. Reason 1 + Reason 2

A. Keywords from the prompt because reason(s)


27. This hip hop song was written in the 80s by Grandmaster flash

A. It’s like a jungle

B. Never go back

C. Fight the power

D. The message

D. The message


3. This fighter was a "Conscientious objector", during the Vietnam War. This means that he resisted the draft due to his religious beliefs.  He was famous for saying, "No Viet Cong ever called me a ni***".

A. Mohammad Ali

B. Jack Johnson

C. Mike Tyson

D. Sugar Ray Robinson

A. Mohammad Ali


[8 Then, in 1970, things took a bad turn. Davis had legally bought a gun. But someone else used the weapon to try to escape from the police. Four people were killed including a courtroom judge. 

Davis was charged with first-degree murder. Even though she was not involved in the plot, Davis was blamed for owning the gun. She went into hiding but was eventually arrested in New York.

If found guilty, Angela would have received the same punishment as the person who committed the crime.





13. This music label was started in 1997 North Houston and had artist from around the city

A. DJ Screw

B. Swishahouse

C. Real Paid Records

D. SugarHill Records


18. [11] He had begun to lay away savings for the store he had always wanted to own when, as always, some stupid local Uncle Tom African Americans began to spread stories about his revolutionary beliefs to the local white people. This time, the “get-out-of-town” threats came from a local hate society called The Black Legion. They wore black robes instead of white. 

The black legion was a branch of...

A. The Ku Klux Klan

B. Marcus Garvey Followers

C. Abolitionist (people who wanted to get rid of slavery)

D. Civil rights activist

A. The Ku Klux Klan

Double your score: How do you know: Quote evidence directly from the text.


23. What is the purpose of an expository essay

A. Explain or describe something

B. Support your thesis statement

C. To entertain the reader

D. A and B

D. A and B

A. Explain or describe something

B. Support your thesis statement


28. Beginning lyrics

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life, and realize there's nothin' left
'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long
That even my momma thinks that my mind is gone

But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of

A. Tupac - Thug Mansion

B. Funkmaster flex - Heaven

C. DMX - Never die alone

D. Coolio - Gangster's Paradise

D. Coolio - Gangster's Paradise


3. Which slave was able to gain their freedom by commandeering (taking control) of their master's ship, stealing their clothes and tricking their way past the checkpoint?

A. Rosa Parks

B. Fredrick Douglas

C. Robert Smalls

D. Josephine Baker

C. Robert Smalls


[9] Then, in 1970, things took a bad turn. Davis had legally bought a gun. But someone else used the weapon to try to escape from the police. Four people were killed including a courtroom judge. 

Davis was charged with first-degree murder. Even though she was not involved in the plot, Davis was blamed for owning the gun. She went into hiding but was eventually arrested in New York.

Davis went into hiding because most likely because...

A. She knew that she was guilty of the crime of murder.

B. She lived her entire life as a criminal

C. She did not believe that she would get a fair trial.

D. She was scared of spending the rest of her life in prison.

E. C and D

E. C and D


14. This jazz artist was the first African American to win a Grammy. This is an award made to recognize spectacular achievements in the music industry.

A. Taraji P. Henson

B. Denzel Washington

C. Ella Fitzgerald

D. Jay-Z

C. Ella Fitzgerald


Which example best fits the thesis statement below:

Thesis statement: It is important to learn from our experiences with others because it helps us to grow into a wiser, more mature person.

A. For instance, when Malcolm X was younger, he hustled, robbed houses, and experimented with different drugs. When he finally went to prison, he had a mentor who helped him to see that he was destroying his own life.

B. For instance, my best friend used to always be in and out of jail. When he got older, he he learned from some of his mistakes but he also kept committing crimes.

C. Specifically, it is important not to give up on things that matter the most to you.

D. For example, people who set smart, attainable goals for themselves stay focused and feel more accomplished at the end of the day.

A. For instance, when Malcolm X was younger, he hustled, robbed houses, and experimented with different drugs. When he finally went to prison, he had a mentor who helped him to see that he was destroying his own life.


24. What does WWW.details stand for?

Who did what?

When and where?



29. Song by Tupac: This was released after his death on October 13, 1998 and addresses poverty (specifically the vicious cycle that occurs in African-American communities), police brutality, racism towards the black community, and the war on drugs.

A. Hit em' up

B. Keep ya head up

C. Changes

D. That's just the way it is

C. Changes


5. What is the name of the African American philosophy professor who argued her own murder accomplice case in court and won? Before this, she spent 18 months in prison for owning a firearm that was used to kill a courtroom judge during a hostage crisis. She was a black panthers and she was in the communist party.

Angela Davis


[10] Davis received national support for her case. After spending 18 months in prison, she went to court and argued her own case in front of a jury that was all European, and she won. She was then cleared of all charges in 1972. Once out of prison, Davis resumed the fight. In 1980, she ran to be the vice president of the United States. Since then, she has continued to write and give lectures.

Explain, in your own words, why it was such a huge victory that Angela won this trial.  

Possible answers.

Because she argued her case without a lawyer. 

She was a black panther and a black woman who argued her case against an all European jury in the 1970's.

Minorities normally didn't receive a fair trial.


15. These two men were known for doing the black power salute during the During their medal ceremony in the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City on October 16, 1968.

A. Usain Bolt and Justin Gatlin

B. John Carlos and Tommie Smith

B. John Carlos and Tommie Smith


20. [15] After the fire, I remember that my father was called in and questioned about a permit for the pistol with which he had shot at the white men who set the fire. I remember that the police were always dropping by our house, shoving things around, "just checking" or "looking for a gun."

The police were looking for the gun that Reverend Little used to protect his family, but they did not try to find out who had attacked his family and burned down their house. 

Based on this, why do you think that when Malcolm got older, he advocated the use of force?

For self-defense, because the police and government would not protect people of color


25. Which example best fits the thesis statement below:

Thesis statement: It is important to learn from our experiences with others because it helps us to grow into a wiser, more mature person.

A. For instance, when Malcolm X was younger, he hustled, robbed houses, and experimented with different drugs.

B. For instance, my best friend used to always be in and out of jail. When he got older, he he learned from some of his mistakes and became a pretty good father.

C. Specifically, it is important not to give up on things that matter the most to you.

D. For example, people who set smart, attainable goals for themselves stay focused and feel more accomplished at the end of the day.

B. For instance, my best friend used to always be in and out of jail. When he got older, he he learned from some of his mistakes and became a pretty good father.


30. First rap song to win a grammy

A. Flavor flav - momma

B. Freshprince and DJ Jazzy Jeff - Parents just don't understand

C. Freshprince and DJ Jazzy Jeff - Gotta be fresh

D. Coolio - Here we go again

B. Freshprince and DJ Jazzy Jeff - Parents just don't understand
