How to Change
Drugs and Diagnoses
Other People

Many of our body’s systems want to remain in this stable state.

What is homeostasis?


If people use nicotine patches exactly as directed, a study finds that nicotine patches will help 50% of people quit. However, with typical user error, the same nicotine patches will help 30% of people quit, showing the difference between efficacy and this other similar outcome.

What is effectiveness?


This type of grief is in the DSM-5, as a diagnosis for people who experience prolonged grief that impairs their functioning in other domains.

What is Complicated grief (or prolonged grief disorder)?


When Sally does her mother’s laundry, schedules her appointments, and cooks her meals, she is providing this type of support.

What is instrumental support?


The dominant model of health in medical schools and hospitals.

What is the biomedical model?


A trait that is expressed in the phenotype with even a single allele in the genotype.

What is a dominant trait?


A grass-roots intervention, created by a community for their own community to address socio-economic or environmental barriers to healthy living, is using this model of intervention.

What is the community development model?


Due to the non-representativeness of participants in clinical trials, prescription drugs can have more side-effects for this group of people due to differences in metabolism.

Who are women?


Someone may choose to never disclose this kind of disability, especially if they do not require accommodations.

What is an invisible disability?)


According to this psychological model, people’s behaviour is a result of the perceived costs and benefits of the action.

What is the health belief model?


The two general signs/symptoms of dependency.

What are tolerance and withdrawal?


This component of the RE-AIM framework evaluates to what extent an intervention or program will be appealing and actually used across different locations/groups.

What is adoption?


The ALDH2 gene affects the metabolism of this common drug

What is alcohol?


Under the policy of mandatory approach, this is who has to give final approval for organ donation (from a deceased donor).

Who are ‘family members’ or ‘next of kin’?


This psychological theory states that people have three basic motivations: belongingness, competence, and autonomy.

What is self-determination theory?


This enzyme, produced in the pancreas, is absent in people with Type I diabetes.

What is insulin?


This component of the RE-AIM framework examines whether individuals choose to participate in the intervention, or whether people opt-out.

What is reach?


One of the largest disinformation campaigns in modern history was coordinated by companies selling this common drug, leading to confusion and misinformation persisting into the 1970s.

What is nicotine?


This psychological concept occurs when someone absorbs negative messages or stereotypes that apply to themselves.

What is internalized stigma?


Addictions are a brain disease; it’s neurobiology, not the responsibility of the patient or society

What is the disease model of addiction?


Deficiency in this micronutrient is the leading cause of preventable blindness globally.

What is vitamin A?


By using this literary device in framing a health message, we can subtly change people’s perceptions of a disease or treatment (for example, by making them more willing to fight against a disease).  

What is metaphor?


From 1932-1972, over a hundred men enrolled in this infamous study died, due to not receiving treatment or even being told of their diagnosis.

What is the Tuskagee syphilis study?


This type of social influence expresses what people should do (not necessarily what other people actually do).

What is an injunctive norm?


This model of disability focuses on the systematic barriers and inaccessibility of society, rather than focusing on the impairments in one’s physical body.

What is the social model of disability?
