Barriers to Recovery
Boredom in Recovery
More Statistics
Relapse Prevention

A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.

What is Anxiety?


Ignoring problems and hoping they will just go away.

What is Avoidance?


Boredom is one of the greatest causes of relapse. Many counselors recommend clients partake in activities that improve their mood and occupy their thoughts. What is one healthy/productive activity that meets those requirements?

Counselor's Discretion


This is the percent of Americans dealing with addiction who receive treatment according to USA Today.

What is 10%?


Everybody who graduates IOP has completed one of these that details courses of action and responses to a potential relapse.

What is a Relapse Prevention Plan?


A practice where an individual uses a technique to train attention and awareness and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

What is Meditation?


Refusing to try new things that take you out of your comfort zone or challenge your preconceptions.

What is Inflexibility?


Boredom is a mindset. What are two tools you can use to change your mindset?

Positive Self-Talk


In Ohio in 2018, men were more than twice as likely as women to misuse this substance.


Men were more than three times as likely as women to misuse this substance.

What is Alcohol? (Men-68% Women-32%)
Alternate Answer: What is Marijuana? (Men-70% Women-30%)

What are Hallucinogens? (Men-77% Women-24%)


This is the term for early relapse indicators.

What are Warning Signs?


According to the Living in Balance Program on Stress and Stressors there are three basic types of stressors. What are they?

1) Frustrations
2) Pressures
3) Conflicts


Ambivalence is the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. Each team member share an example of ambivalence in their recovery.

Counselor's Discretion


This activity to relieve boredom can be used to relieve stress, expand your vocabulary, improve concentration, and provide mental stimulation.

What is Reading?


This is the percent of adults (age 26+) in 2017 with a substance use disorder.

What is 6.5%

*Approximately 13.6 million people


This celebrity, known for his musical talents, struggled with addiction in the early 2000's leading to an overdose and subsequent treatment. Effectively sober since 2008, he cites Elton John as a close friend and mentor.

Who is Eminem?


This practice is used to define objectives and clarify priorities. It's also proven to provide short-term motivation and raise self-confidence (thereby reducing stress).

What is Goal Setting?

Effective goals follow the acronym SMART:
S- specific
M- measurable
A- attainable
R- relevant
T- time-bound


According to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 39% of people who needed treatment didn't seek it for this reason.

What is Treatment Cost/Insurance?


This activity to relieve boredom has been proven to stimulate emotions, improve attention, improve memory, and even help rewire neural pathways to help repair brain injury.

What is Listening to Music?


This was the number of Americans who tried heroin for the first time in 2017.



Anxiety can be a strong contributing factor leading to relapse in many individuals. This method to combat anxiety involves focusing on the moment and individually acknowledging the 5 senses.

What is Grounding?



The body responds to stress, biologically, by initiating a series of chemical reactions in the brain and in a hormone system called the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal HPA Axis. These responses may include increased heart rate or blood pressure, avoidance behaviors or emotional reactions such as feelings of anxiety. What is the primary chemical in the HPA Axis commonly used to measure stress levels?

What is Cortisol?

Cortisol also controls your sleep/wake cycle, increases your blood sugar, and is a natural anti-inflammatory. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a common ingredient in steroids and can have very serious interactions when taken with alcohol


Barriers to recovery can be physical, emotional, psychological, environmental, and more. List 5 barriers to recovery that haven't already been mentioned.

Social Stigma
Time Conflicts
Poor Treatment Availability
Extenuating Medical Conditions


Bored in the USA: Experience sampling and boredom in everyday life is a 2017 study that examined the correlation between boredom and a plethora of variables. It was found that boredom was more prevalent in this demographic.

What are Men?

"Boredom is more prevalent among men, youths, the unmarried, and those of lower income. We find that differences in how such demographic groups spend their time account for up to one third of the observed differences in overall boredom."

Participants were more likely to report feeling bored in the presence of strangers, coworkers, or when they were alone, and least likely to report boredom when with children, partners, or friends. Boredom seems to occur most often in situations where people tend to lose focus because they are carrying out activities they consider to lack meaning to them.


This is the number of opioid prescriptions doctors released in 2017.

What is 191,200,000


Terence T. Gorski and Merlene Miller identified 37 warning signs of a relapse (broken up into 10 phases) that can help us intervene on early indications of a relapse before it occurs. What are 5 of the phases?

Phase 1: Return of Denial
Phase 2: Avoidance and Defensive Behavior
Phase 3: Crisis Building
Phase 4: Immobilization
Phase 5: Confusion and Overreaction
Phase 6: Depression
Phase 7: Behavioral Loss of Control
Phase 8: Recognition of Loss of Control
Phase 9: Option Reduction
Phase 10: Acute Relapse Period
