U.S. History
N.C. History
These two areas (regions) of North Carolina would be considered a cause for concern, historically, as far as travel?
What are the Outer Coastal Plain and Mountains regions?
Name three reasons European nations, starting after Columbus, explored and colonized North America.
What are religious freedom, business and trade, and a better life?
These men ran the Carolina colony for decades, clashing with settlers, before splitting into North and South Carolina.
Who are the Lords Proprietors?
This democratic ideal dominated the North Carolina Declaration of Rights (1776), Declaration of Independence (1776), and Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
What is Popular Sovereignty?
Name three examples of personal finance.
What are checking accounts, savings accounts, interest rates, budgets, credit, debt, etc.?
These are geographical challenges that explorers Lewis and Clark encountered on their travels (name three). This could also apply to anyone who traveled from one place to another (by choice or by force).
What are challenging rivers (Missouri/Columbia), Rocky Mountains, and even snowy winters and sweltering hot summers?
This was the major connection between the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.
What is Britain taxing the colonists to pay off the war, without the colonists' say?
After decades of opposition, North Carolina did this first with the Halifax Resolves.
What is declare independence from Great Britain?
This democratic ideal is a major part of the U.S. Constitution.
What is Separation of Powers?
Canada's economy is being measured as far as dollar value and output. Its output was at $35 billion in 2016, but will be at $20 billion in 2017. This term is the measurement of the economy's health.
What is the Gross Domestic Product?
Many settlers colonized in the Eastern (and some Western) part of North America in hopes of looking for valuable resources, i.e. "Gold." Gold was first found in this place.
What is Little Meadow Creek, outside Charlotte, N.C.
Name three examples of cultural traits that still exist in the U.S. today that originated outside this country.
What are many languages, major holidays like St. Patrick's Day, multiple religions, cultural festivals and food dishes, etc.
Name three reasons why North Carolina, at one point, was called the "Rip Van Winkle" state.
What are unfit roads, infrastructure, lack of public education, lack of economic advancement?
Civil Rights laws were passed during these two major historic periods, involving equality.
What are Reconstruction and Civil Rights Movement?
This individual helped start up the U.S. economy with a plan to pay off the national debt and collect an excise tax. This was not received well, but set a financial course for the U.S.
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
These are some examples of man-made transportation routes in North Carolina and the U.S.
What are the interstates, intracoastal waterways, canals, rivers, etc.?
Name three major examples of groups of people who made political change in the U.S. (1600s-1900s).
Who are the Regulators, Founding Fathers, Abolitionists, Greensboro Four, etc.?
This form of transportation helped advance North Carolina, and was key to the Union's efforts in capturing it during the Civil War.
What are railroads (Goldsboro, Weldon)?
Besides being North Carolina's state constitutions, this was a common theme in the 1776, 1835, 1868 and 1971 constitutions.
What is voting rights?
Name three other factors that led to the Great Depression BESIDES the Stock Market Crash.
What are Dust Bowl, rising unemployment, the economy was in a recession, overproduction, high tariffs, and people were not budgeting or saving?
This is the result of the construction and operation of a dam, i.e. a Duke Power dam or the Hoover Dam.
What is more people would rely on it for electricity (hydroelectricity)?
Name three major examples of historic events that affected the American Indians of North and South America.
What are the Columbian Exchange, colonization, Trail of Tears, Westward Expansion, allowance to vote, etc.
For decades after Reconstruction, this was a major issue in North Carolina. This would end in the 1960s.
What is segregation?
Name three examples of people who fought for voting rights.
Who are African Americans, Women, American Indians, etc.?
Name an example of inflation.
What is a product, once being five cents, now costing $1.