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Who were St. Samuel the Confessor's parents, and how did they influence his faith?

• St. Samuel's father, Arselaeous was a priest, and his mother, Quosmane, raised him in the Christian faith. They taught him to pray, fast, and go to church.


What lesson can we learn from the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:23-33?

The parable teaches us the importance of forgiveness. The master, representing our Lord Jesus Christ, forgave a large debt but was angry when his servant did not forgive a smaller debt. This shows that we must forgive others as God forgives us.


Why is gossiping harmful, and what should we avoid doing?

Gossiping is harmful because it causes others to dislike the person being talked about. We should avoid saying bad things about people behind their backs.


Why should we not insult others when they hurt us?

Insulting others in return for their wrongdoing shows a lack of love and goes against Jesus Christ's command to love and forgive everyone. The Bible teaches us to bless instead of returning evil for evil (I Peter 3:9).


How did Nicodemus defend Jesus later in his life?

Nicodemus defended Jesus in front of the Pharisees (John 7:50-52) and helped anoint Jesus' body at His burial along with Joseph of Arimathea.


What did Nicodemus say to Jesus when he met him?

Nicodemus said "We know that you are a teacher sent by God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him"


What did St. Samuel decide to do after his parents' departure?

After his parents departed, St. Samuel decided to sell all his possessions, give his money to the poor, and become a monk.


Who guided St. Samuel to St. Macarius' Monastery?

An angel appeared to St. Samuel and guided him.


Why is St. Samuel called "the Confessor"?

Because he suffered persecution and torture but was not martyred. He defended the faith and lost his eye while doing so.


What happened to St. Samuel as a result of his refusal to sign Leo's Tome?

St. Samuel was beaten, tortured, lost his right eye, and was taken out of the monastery.


Who was Daniel, and what happened to him when King Nebuchadnezzar took over Jerusalem?

Daniel was taken to Babylon as a slave when King Nebuchadnezzar took over Jerusalem.


Who was Nicodemus, and what was his role in Jewish society?

Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin (the Jewish ruling council)


What was Jesus' response to Nicodemus' statement?

Jesus told Nicodemus "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3)


What are the 4 blessings given in baptism according to the story of Nicodemus?

1. We are saved from the original sin.

2. Our own sins are forgiven.

3. We become children of God.

4. We become members of the Body of Christ (the Church).


What are the steps to forgive and reconcile with someone who has hurt us? (6 steps)

  1. Tell the person your feelings calmly
  2. Listen to their point of view.
  3. Point out their wrongdoing nicely and advise them to be careful.
  4. Forgive and reconcile, and apologize if you spoke in anger.
  5. Confess your mistake to your Father of Confession

Who is our God?

Our God is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, possessing qualities like wisdom, power, knowledge, love, and forgiveness, but unlimited in these qualities unlike humans.


Why did Daniel refuse to eat the king's food, and what did he ask for instead?

Daniel refused to eat the king's food because it was used to worship idols. He asked for only fasting food (vegetables) and water.


How did Daniel and his friends look after eating only vegetables and water for ten days?

They looked better and stronger than the other men who ate the king's food.


Who did Daniel demonstrate his faithfulness to God when asked to worship the idol Bel?

One shape used in Church architecture is a circle, symbolizing that God has no beginning and no end.


What are some ways we can respond to God's love and creation?

We should always thank God for His unlimited gifts, ask God for what we need in prayers, trust in His promises, and obey God to glorify Him.


What does it mean that Jesus Christ is Pantocrator?

It means that Jesus Christ is the Ruler of the Universe, controlling everything with wisdom and great order. Nothing happens without God's permission.


What does it mean that God is omnipresent?

God is present in all places, filling the heavens and the earth, and throughout all ages with no beginning or end. God is not limited by time, space, or knowledge.


Where in the Church can we see a representation of Jesus Christ as the Pantocrator?

In the east part of the Church, in the sanctuary, there is a semi-circle wall called "The Bosom of the Father," featuring an icon of Jesus Christ holding the earth and a scepter, symbolizing His rule over Heaven and Earth.


How did God save Daniel from the den of lions?

He sent an angel to close their mouths.


What is the significance of the Sacrament of Baptism in the Church?

Baptism is the First Sacrament, known as 'The Door to all Sacraments.' It signifies being born again, becoming a child of God, and becoming a member of the Body of Christ.
