Sun, Moon, and Earth
Inner vs Outer Planets
Flying Objects in Space
Space Technology

What is the only star in our Solar System?

the Sun!


These planets have few or no rings/moons.

The Inner Planets


This object is made of ice, dust, and gas. It orbits the the Sun in an elliptical shape.

a Comet!


If I wanted to look at an object very far from the Earth, what tool could I use to see it better?

a Telescope!


True or False: The Earth rotates around the Sun.

FALSE (the Earth REVOLVES around the Sun)


What reflects sunlight? (so it looks like it glows)

the Moon!


These planets revolve slowly around the Sun.

The Outer Planets


This object cannot be considered a Planet because it is too small!

a Dwarf Planet!

These orbit the Earth and receive signals to pass to many other sources. They are used for maps, phones, and computers.



A group of stars that forms a pattern or shape is called? (like Orion's Belt)

a Constellation!


What is the only planet that people have been to?

the Earth!


These planets rotate quickly.

The Inner Planets


This object burns up due to friction and looks like a bright streak of light in the sky.

a Meteor!


This tool lands on the surface of objects in space to collect samples and records videos/pictures for scientist on Earth.

a Rover!

How much time does it take for the Earth to rotate?

How much time does it take for the Earth to revolve around the Sun?

24 hours (a rotation is a day!)

365 days (a revolution is a year!)


Which of these (S,M,E) revolve around another space object?

The Moon revolves around the Earth and the Earth revolves around the Sun.


Describe how temperatures of Inner Planets are different than Outer Planets.

Because Inner Planets are closer to the Sun, they are warmer.

Because Outer Planets are further from the Sun, they are colder.


Most flying objects have stretched-out circles for their orbit. What is this shape called?

an Elliptical shape (elliptic shape)


When looking through a telescope, some stars look big and some stars look small. If the stars we see are all the same size, what could that tell us about how far away the star is from the Earth?

Bigger stars would mean that those stars are closer to the Earth. 

Smaller stars would mean that those stars are farther away from the Earth.


What are the four Inner Planets?

What are the four Outer Planets?

Inner: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Outer: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


The Earth is tilted to what degree? And what does this tilt cause?

It is tilted 23 degrees and the tilt creates the seasons we have.


Describe the surfaces of the Inner Planets vs. the surfaces of the Outer Planets.

Inner Planets have rocky surfaces that are solid.

Outer Planets have no solid surfaces and are made of gas.


What keeps objects in their orbit when they travel around the Sun?

The force of gravity the Sun creates with the Planets (the Sun is pulling the Planets towards it)


Sometimes, there is an issue when looking through telescopes at some of the objects farther away in space. What is that issue and what do they do to fix it?

The air in our atmosphere will make the objects look blurry. 

To prevent this, people will put telescopes in higher places, like mountains or hills so that there is less air to make the image blurry. 


A classmate says, "We have seasons like summer because the Earth gets closer to the Sun."

What would you say to this student, who may be confused about how the seasons are created?

The Earth does not get farther away or closer to the Sun. Because of the tilt of the Earth, sometimes we get direct sunlight (which creates Summer) and indirect sunlight (which creates Winter).
