Christian Living is both ____ and ____
Christian Living is both a subject and a way of life
In which book of the Bible can you find the Christian creation stories?
II) How many days did it take for God to create Earth?
6 days
Double jeopardy! Win or lose 200 points (‾◡◝)
1) The two main divisions of the Bible are called....
2) (T/F) The Bible is one book.
3) "Bible" comes from the word...
One place in the Bible where we can find "we are made in God's image and likeness" is...
Genesis 1:27
Abraham is the father of faith in the religions of...
Judaism, Islam, Christianity
Open mindedness
Define a creation story
A narrative which explains how the world began and how people came to be according to a particular culture.
a) The first three languages of the bible are...
b) The two versions of the bible are...
Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew
Catholic, Protestant
Tell if true or false:
a) Human beings are both body and soul.
b) When humans die their souls die with them.
a) T
b) F
Ishmael was the son born to Abraham and ____.
On the Campion Crest, what does the:
a) Red
b) Cross
c) Palm leaves
Red: courage
Cross: Christian love
Palm leaves: victory
What did God do on the second and fourth day?
2nd: Created sky and sea
4th: created sun, moon and stars
Match the following words to their meanings:
(testament, revelation, inspiration)
I) the guidance of the holy spirit in the writing of the Holy Bible
II) covenant or agreement
III) the act of making oneself recognized
testament - II
revelation - III
inspiration - I
We are the "masters" of creation. This implies we must do two things. These are:
1. Have control over 2. Take care of creation
a) Abraham first lived in Mesopotamia, but God told him to leave because...
b) How many promises did God make to Abraham in the covenant?
the people there believed in polythesim
b) 5
Double jeopardy! win or lose 800 points (✿◡‿◡)
Match the names of the patron saint of each of the six Houses at Campion.
b) Is the patron St of Campion in this list? If not, state who they are.
Stanislaus Kostka
Ignatius Loyola
Robert Bellarmine
Aloysius Gonzaga
b) The patron saint Edmund Campion, not on this list
What is one truth about our relationship with God that the writers of the creation story wanted us to know?
There is only one God, God is kind, God created all things, All of God's creation is good, Human beings are created in the image of God
Define the bible
A written record of the way God wants us to be and how he loves his people
Who was banished from Abraham's camp?
Hagar and Ishmael
State one reason Christian Living might be important to a person who is not a Christian.
Christian Living teaches basic human values and important skills (such as empathy, forgiveness) from a Christian perspective. So, no matter your religious beliefs, Christian Living still educates you in mind and in morals so you don't become an educated criminal.
Double Jeopardy! Win or lose 1000 points (☆▽☆)
Identify if the books are from Hebrew Scriptures or Christian Writings
1) Torah
2) Epistles
3) Isiah
1) OT - Hebrew Scipt.
2) NT - Christian Writ.
3) OT - Hebrew Script.
Give the meaning of each name:
Sarah: Princess
Abraham: Father of many nations
Ishmael: God hears
Isaac: he laughs