Who was the 2017 Blizzcon Talent Contest winner?
Who is JayTheBard
By winning 3 matches in Hearthstone you will be rewarded with this mount
what is the Hearthsteed
Every character is given this ability at lvl 1. What is it?
What is Attack
Who is Ragnaros
What is Durotar (Rocktusk Farm)
Omg he just ran in
Who is Leeroy Jenkins
farmed daily by many players, this mount is still the rarest mount in the game according to blizzard
What is the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
Black Prince
Who is Wrathion
What is Ashran (Warspear)
Who is Kakio
''Lord of the Reins'' is an achievement for collecting 300 mounts, name the mount
Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent
The Gnoll King
Who is Hogger
What is Spires of Arak (Forlorn Delta)
world first Azshara
Who is Alexstrasza
What is Arathi Highlands (Faldir's Cove)
Who is Oxhorn
The Last Guardian
What is Grizzly Hills (Boulder Hills)