What is the health value of 1 filth?
0.5 HP
In which stage is the dual wield power-up introduced?
4-1: Slaves to Power
How many weapons are picked up in total?
7 Weapons
One song in Ultrakill contains 4 variations that play at different times throughout the year, this song is?
The Fire Is Gone
What are the names of the 2 secret swordsmachine enemies in 1-3.
'Tundra' and 'Agony'
How many unique secret bosses are there?
How many stages have the challenge, don't touch any water?
What is the cost in P of the red revolver variant?
What does TSTPITLCKA4-S stand for?
The song that plays in the level colloquially known as 4-S
What is the name of the level 2-S?
All-Imperfect Love Song
A soldier enemy is typically immune to explosive damage, this changes when...
They are in mid-air.
In which stages are there only 3 soul orbs to collect?
0-3: Double Down and 0-4: A One-Machine Army
What is the style reward message for hitting a coin with a rail-gun shot?
How many Ultrakill albums are there?
What is the difference in HP between Minos Prime and Sisyphus Prime?
70 HP
Guttermen require their sheild to be broken to be damaged normally. This can be done by using the Knuckle-Blaster, Parrying a mine into them and by...
Hitting them with the Jackhammer.
How many boss stages have an intentional skip to reach the boss faster?
The Jackhammer can deal extra damage through doing what?
Moving Faster
The name of a song that directly references a game that Ultrakill's genre was based off of.
Dune Eternal
What is the name of the voice generator commonly used to depict V1's voice?
SAM : Software Automatic Mouth
In 7-3 various blood enemies are spawned in the form of a 'Puppet' enemy. They mimic 3 other enemies throughout the stage, what are these enemies?
Filth, Stray and Mannequins.
In which stage is there a hidden pathway containing 2 slingshot orbs that takes you straight to the boss?
P-2: Wait of the World
There are two ways to detach the chainsaw from the sawed-on shotgun, one of these is by having a wall between you and the launched chainsaw. What is the other?
Parry the returning chainsaw using the Knuckle-Blaster.
How many songs are contained within the layer of violence?
Spell the name of the man who voices Gabriel.
Gianni Matragrano