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In the event of an earthquake, the safest place to be is in a door frame because these are the most structurally sound elements of most buildings and will remain standing even if the rest of the building collapses.

Um, actually, the safest place during an earthquake is under (or next to) a table or desk.


When disposing of cooking fat it’s important to know what kind of fat you’re using. Vegetable fats like canola and olive oil never solidify at room temperature and can therefore be poured down the drain. Animal fats like bacon drippings or lard solidify at room temperature and should be thrown in the trash.

Um, actually, you shouldn't throw any fats down the drain since they can cause blockages.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is famously divided into four houses, each named after one of the four founders, and each with an associated animal: Lion for Gryffindor, Badger for Hufflepuff, Raven for Ravenclaw, and Snake for Slytherin. 

Um, actually, Ravenclaw's associated animal is an Eagle.


Canada and the United States have the world's longest shared border, so, of course, Americans like you know basic facts about our friendly neighbors in the north. For example, their Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau, their capital city is Toronto, and their official languages are English and French.

Um, actually, the capital city of Canada is Ottawa.


What's Wrong With This Picture?



Proper treatment for a minor burn is to immediately wash the burn with antibacterial soap, apply ice intermittently for 10–15 minutes, then wrap in a dry cloth.

Um, actually, you shouldn’t use ice, but cool water. Ice on a burn could potentially damage your skin tissue.


In the United States, eggs are refrigerated in grocery stores because the USDA requires that eggs not be left unrefrigerated for more than two hours. However, the practice is over-safe and unnecessary, as evidenced by the many countries where eggs aren't refrigerated like England, Ireland, and France.

Um, actually, it isn't an over-safe requirement, as the US removes the outer layer which causes the eggs to go bad faster.


Venomous creatures are one of the most serious risks facing those who spend a lot of time outdoors. Since you can never be sure what may bite you, those most concerned about risk can spend several hundred dollars for universal antivenom, that will neutralize venom from all spiders, insects, and snakes.

Um, actually, universal antivenom does not exist. Your best chance is to remember as much about the creature (color, size, etc.) that bit you to tell medical professionals.


The federal trade commission requires that nearly every piece of clothing you buy come with instructions for proper care. Many of these take the form of symbols such as the square to indicate dry cleaning, the triangle to indicate bleach, and the circle in the square to indicate tumble drying.

Um, actually, the symbol for dry cleaning is a circle.


Can you spell the name of Emilia Clarke's character in the TV show Game of Thrones?

Daenerys Targaryen



To jumpstart a car: connect the red clamp to the positive end of the working battery, then the same for the dead battery, then the black clamp to the negative end of the live battery, and the black clamp to the negative end of the dead battery.

Um, actually, instead of clamping the black clamp to the negative end of the dead battery, you should connect to a piece of metal in order to ground it.


Knowing when and what to feed a child is an important part of not killing it. You can start feeding an infant puréed simple foods after 4 to 6 months. Before that, babies should be fed only breast milk or formula, and drink only water.

Um, actually, babies shouldn’t drink water before 6 months.


Dogs may be a non-verbal species, but they can still respond to verbal instructions. It's typically recommended to teach your dog a hand signal command before its matching verbal one, but once you're using words you'll want to be sure to speak in a clear, low, authoritative voice to ensure your dog listens.

Um, actually, you should use a higher pitched and excited voice when giving commands.


When painting a wall with latex paint, it's recommended that you first dip your brush in water, then dip it fully into the paint. Hold it at a 45-degree angle and paint in long, even strokes.

Um, actually, you shouldn't fully dip the brush into paint.


Name That Wizard


While a standard wood fire can be put out with water, a grease fire will be exacerbated by this; pouring water on it runs the risk of splattering the grease and spreading the fire along with it. Ideally, you have a fire extinguisher ready to go since that tends to be the best option. If not, you can smother the fire with a wet towel, but don't swat it! You can also throw large amounts of salt, flour, or baking soda on it to put it out. If the fire is in a pan, you can potentially cover the pan with a lid too.

Um, actually, flour has a low combustion point and will burst into flames.


It's fun to let Fido play vacuum cleaner in your kitchen, but there are a lot of foods that can be extremely dangerous to let your dog ingest. Most of us know not to feed a dog chocolate (especially baking or dark chocolate), but you should also avoid feeding your dog grapes, garlic, honey, onions, or macadamia nuts.

Um, actually, dogs can eat honey.


Killing an endangered species can potentially come with hefty fines or even jail time in the United States. While circumstances involving self-defense or protecting livestock are usually treated more leniently, you should be careful about harming protected animals like kangaroo rats, California condors, praying mantises, Nashville crayfish, American crocodiles, and ocelots.

Um, actually, praying mantises are not a protected species.


For health and eco-conscious American consumers, it's important to buy chicken that was raised without added hormones. In the US, the only way to be sure that you're buying chicken raised without hormones is to carefully inspect the label for a “no added hormones” disclaimer.

Um, actually, in the US it is illegal to add hormones to poultry. Any label that has it is merely a marketing gimmick.


Match the movie poster with its tag line.



Every second counts during a heart attack, and taking quick action can help limit the damage caused. After calling 911 to ensure professional medical care is received promptly, quickly swallowing an aspirin whole inhibits platelets in your blood, which helps prevent increased clotting.

Um, actually, You want to crumble the aspirin up so that it hits your bloodstream faster.


Health is never more important than when you're caring for an infant. Children under the age of one should be given natural honey instead of processed sugar, whole grain porridges like oatmeal, and puréed vegetables like peas and sweet potato.

Um, actually, babies should not be given raw honey because there is a risk of bacterial infection.


Killing an endangered species can potentially come with hefty fines or even jail time in the United States. While circumstances involving self-defense or protecting livestock are usually treated more leniently, you should be careful about harming protected animals like kangaroo rats, California condors, praying mantises, Nashville crayfish, American crocodiles, and ocelots.

Um, actually, praying mantises are not a protected species.


There are many commonly confused Latin abbreviations used in English: “i.e.” should be used in place of “for example,” “e.g.” should be used in place of “in other words,” “et al.” should be used when listing people to mean “and others,” and “etc.” should be used when listing things to mean “and so forth” or “and the rest.”

Um, actually, “e.g.” should be used in place of “for example” and “i.e.” should be used in place of “in other words.”




