Content navigation
General Accessibility
Nerdy things
Life skills

Screen reader users rely on text descriptions that describe images and video. 

These descriptions are so common, that they have a name based on the HTML (hypertext markup language) code used to create them, called alt, or alternative text.

Um, actually, alt text can't be used for videos, only images. Instead, using audio description, or adding a transcript, is a recommended alternative.


Websites that pass through automated Accessibility Testing Tools (ie: meeting the WCAG guidelines) with no flags or errors are pretty certain to be accessible to users with disabilities. 

Um, actually even the most state-of-the-art automated accessibility test tools are only able to evaluate and identify about 30% of the potential accessibility issues any site may have. Automatic testing is useful, but manual checks and user studies are the only way to ensure that a website is truly accessible and that users can complete all functional tasks. 


Eevee- the 133rd Pokémon- can evolve into Vaporeon, Electreon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon.

Um, actually: Evee can evolve into Jolteon not Electreon.


Knowing when and what to feed a child is an important part of not killing it. You can start feeding an infant pureed simple foods after 4 to 6 months. Before that babies should be fed only breast milk or formula, and drink only water.

Um, actually: babies shouldn’t drink water before 6 months


When navigating to a new page, screen readers will read out the first heading on a page to help anchor the user.

Um actually, screen readers will read out the <title> element of the page first.

WCAG (World Council Accessibility Group) is the acronym used for the group who created the industry standard guidelines used to assess digital accessibility.

Um actually, WCAG stands for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 


In Game of Thrones, Daenerys Stormborn, of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Mereen, Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Khaleesi of the GReat Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons has three dragons named Drogon, Rhaegal, and Meraxes.

Um, actually: the third dragon's name is Viserion not Meraxes.


You know how to use a dishwasher, right? Typically, plates should go on the bottom rack and cups and bowls on the top rack. 

Large baking sheets and the like go on the side of the bottom rack, away from the door to the machine. 

And, despite what you roommate tells you, you should thoroughly rinse dishes before putting them in the machine for maximum cleanliness.

Um, actually: There is no need to rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.


A good content structure helps people with cognitive and learning disabilities, keyboard users, people with visual impairments, virtual reality users, and mobile device users to find and navigate the content of a page.

Um actually, a good content structure doesn't help with VR users, although it might in the future.


Up to one million people in the world have some form of disability.

Um actually, according to the World Health Organization, over one Billion people in the world have some form of disability. This corresponds to about 20% of the population.


According to the rules of Quidditch, throwing the Quaffle though an opponent's hoop earns 10 points, hitting an apponen with a bludger earns 0 points and catching the golden snitch earns 50 points and ends the game.

Um, actually: catching the golden snitch earns you 150 points.


There are many commonly confused Latin abbreviations used in English: "i.e." should be used in place of "for example," "e.g." should be used in place of "in other words," "et al." should be used when listing people to mean "and others," and "etc." should be used when listing things to mean "and so forth" or "and the rest."

Um, actually: "e.g." should be used in place of "for example" and "i.e." should be used in place of "in other words"


Links should contain the text "Click here", so that users know that it's a link that navigates them to a new page.

Um actually, links should be able to be read by themselves (standalone) and be descriptive.


Skip navigation is a technique that provides one or more links at the top of a website that enables a user to “skip” or move the cursor focus directly to the website's homepage, without having to move to every item in between.

Um, actually, skip links help you move to certain sections of the page that you are on. It's especially helpful for websites that use infinite scroll.


As a powerful Sith Lord, Darth Vader can harness power of the dark side of the Force to conjure Force lightning, and use the power of the Force for evil means like when he uses telekinesis to choke adversaries.

Um, actually: Darth Vader cannot cast Force lightning because he has mechanical limbs


Every second counts during a heart attack, and taking quick action can help limit the damage caused. 

After calling 911 to ensure professional medical care is received promptly, quickly swallowing an aspirin whole inhibits platelets in your blood, which helps prevent increased clotting.

Um, actually: You want to crumble the aspirin up so that it hits your bloodstream faster.


Heading levels (h1, h2, h3) are only used to dictate the style of heading text.

Um actually, they're used to denote the importance or rank of content on the page.


Many of the technology challenges faced by people with disabilities can be described using one of the POUR principles, which stands for Perceivable, Operable, Usable, and Robust.

Um, actually POUR stands for Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust.


"Shaun of the Dead", "Hot Fuzz", and "The World's End" make up Edgar Wright's "Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy". 

The movies aren't connected by plot but but all foccus on a friendship between characters played by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost set against the backdrop of a supernatural horror story.

Um, actually: Hot Fuzz isn't supernatural.


To jumpstart a car: connect the red clamp to the positive end of the working battery, then the same for the dead battery, then the black clamp to the negative end of the live battery, and the black clamp to the negative end of the dead battery.

Um, actually: instead of clamping the black clamp to the negative end of the dead battery, you should connect to a piece of metal in order to ground it.
